Post pictures of your homeland!


DANGER! Paramilitary Area: Approach With Caution.


Some place on the river Lagan


Belfast's Shitty Hall


Some 50ft giant built this in the dark ages (apparently).


A Scary-ass rope bridge people foolishly like to cross.


Cliffs of the Antrim Plateau

Right that's all I can be bothered finding right now. :)
ct_thrash said:
runaway mountain is awesome!! my cousin and i persuaded my mom to ride it once. its really not that scary of a ride. still, she hated us afterward :tickled:
modano... :OMG:

Yay Modano! Beyond hockey being the best sport ever, he's another reason to watch...mmm....

The ride was cool, but I never go on coasters. We went on the bobsled thing and roaring rapids....both rides where people have died, lol.
I've always wanted to visit New York City. In that second picture... take about 1/4 of it, and that's about the size of downtown Seattle.
Hey man, if things go as planned, I might be visiting the entire east coast with my 3 closest friends sometime next year. :)
NY fucking owns all, I have decided. Having been all over at least the US... it's got everything, so, there =P.

I grew up there, so you get jaded by the whole NYC thing. I moved to TX awhile back... I couldn't believe people had never been there before. Was a shock to me at first. Then I met some people who live in DE, like 1,5 hrs from NYC, who have never been.... and that's just retarded.

But, hooray, back in fucking Houston, and this place is as lame as it ever was. And so is Austin! GO TX!

Also, fuck the (Minnesota North)Stars.

Go Rangers...... some year, when we get a new owner!
J the TyranT said:
But, hooray, back in fucking Houston, and this place is as lame as it ever was. And so is Austin! GO TX!

houston is extreeeeemely lame, i will agree. never spent much time in austin. of the major texas cities to live in though, houston is notta good choice
Yeah, but, I'd take Houston over Dallas... it's less "texan". Due to the amount of industry it brings in a lot of outsiders...

PLUS, jobs. No shortage, unlike Austin and Philly...