Post random pics of yourself

I went to Ypres, Belgium last weekend with ma baby. We visited some WW1 sites, very interesting.

Cloth Hall in Ypres. It was totally destroyed during the war, but meticulously rebuilt afterwards.

Trenches of Hill 62/Sanctuary Wood:

Tyne Cot Cemetery, largest (as to number of graves) military cemetery in the world:


Having a "Satan's" cocktail:

Monday morning on the beach of De Panne:
I (was) on a boat!

Just got back from a cruise to Mexico with the girlfriend. Tons of eating and drinking beer = the place for me.

Preparing for the night ahead...

Me and the lady in Cozumel

Smoking the Cuban cigar I bought in Mexico

Where I spent 80% of my nights on the boat, my Indian blood was fuckin' boiling.
So.. I chopped off basically all my hair today. But, before I did so I got tons of fucking gr1m ass black metal pix... which will be posted whenever i scan them. Rest assured, you will not often see pix as gr1m as the ones we took today. My only regret is that we had no goats handy.
Isn't it allowed either in India? :lol:
It is, it is, it's quite cheap too :heh:
omgz, Nick, look, another one!! Now there are three of us!
the second one being?

zomg!!!! another sober comrade!!!! hailz :)
tried to like booze a lot but i find myself unable to swallow crap tasting liquids down my throat. So i just do (some, not much) pot instead :p

How sad, well I guess the rest of us just have to drink for you then:kickass:

here, have one :kickass: