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Get off the bloodbath forum and go get some pussy :erk:

[Serious] Pussy is not my primary goal when it comes to relationships, i would pay a small amount of money to get a pussy on daily basis if i want to. I care more about her personality/interests/physical appearance more than getting laid lol. And maybe that's why i fail to find the "right" one so far. [/serious]
Haha, me too, I had long hair for 10 years, hardly ever had a girlfriend, since I cut it, my life turned around for the better in every way. I have a gorgeous, sweet and intelligent girlfriend, moved in with her and next year we'll move into a brand new house we bought together :)

I'm sad to say this is the same thing that happened to me. My entire life I had shoulder length hair at least, and finding a (non-retarded) girl interested in me back then was quite difficult actually. Then I shaved it off and literally that year got more pussy/offers than I had in my entire life, no joke. Then I grew it out again a few years ago and it was rare to find a girl, and then I chopped it off and immediately 2 girls at work started flirting and saying how much better I looked etc etc.

Maybe it's just where I'm from but it's not like my personality changed, it was just the hair that was creeping girls out. It's short again and everythign from fidning work to finding girls is way easier:erk:

Fear not though, I didn't cut off my hair just to impress the ladies, they can take me or leave me as is. I did it because I got annoyed with taking care of it, and in 10 years it'd just be a skullet anyways.
I didn't cut my hair to get girls or to improve my chances or whatever, so in my case it was probably just a coincidence. I was simply tired of my long hair and it just didn't look very good anymore. It just so happened to be that my current girlfriend and I started getting closer pretty much from the time I cut my hair. She'd been a friend of mine for several years before we actually got a more intimate interest towards eachother.