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instead of looking for such a perfect girl you'll probably never find (cause that's not how it works) just look for a nice one that you feel like spending time with :)

I'm getting to this conclusion actually, and there's one case I find her nice and I told about her before in the forum, I may start a relationship with her.I hope it goes well :)
it doesn't matter if she has the same personality as you but it's more important to find common grounds together.
Like some girls want to move from one guy to another, they cannot spend more than five months with the same guy. I for one want a stable girl who knows what she's doing and do not predict or expect a "deadline" to a relationship. So I cannot match with such girls, like my ex. I too want a girl who has ambitions in life more than "oh shit, no party this weekend, i'm in deep shit now" if u know what i mean. Someone "deep", someone who I can discuss things beyond the "what are we gonna do tonight", know what i mean? we can talk about life and all. Not shallow. I found her, now i have to challenge many things to be together. It's kinda sad how things aren't easy for me, but i feel like i have a serious challenge in life which I love, cause for me, success is my ultimate happiness, and once i succeed in a challenge, i feel fakken great. :kickass::kickass:
awwwwww and you have 21 years? nice hex <3

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sorry nanain, I was talking to Hexwind but I got postjumped by your bastard boyfriend :D

no no, you say "have" and "meet", I read that like "he have a gf, but he goona meet her.." like an arranged marriage :lol: but I read all and now I understand :)
the 90% of the guys I know who have 20 years thinks "more women I have, better"
People get divorced because A. They are not looking to the future. B. Not thinking about the future of their family. C. They don't understand each other D. They understand them to much. E. Because they are Idiots.