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Is it better with a corona hat? :)
I just want to make a comparison here... Swedish Metal band...


American "metal" bands




There are some seriously ugly motherfuckers making music over here, then for some reason in Sweden Leonardo and crew are keeping it sexy. I note this because I come across these terrible Metalcore Band photo's every so often and I notice a lot of weird mongoloid looking fuckers in them, do ugly people like to make Metalcore? Or Maybe Desolator is just a bad example. Or maybe I just don't get what a good looking guy is, maybe these Metalcore dudes are hawt and my straight brain just can't understand what girls like.

Thus ends my observation

Oh god! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!! I accidentally sent that last pic to my Desktop background when I tried to copy the link location and IT WONT CHANGE BACK! WTF MAN?! WHAT-THE-FUCK?! AHH GET IT OFF!! *runs out of room screaming*

(PS - That was totally serious btw, I have emo assholes on my background and it refuses to let me change it back to solid black! This is some sick fucking Karma!)
American "metal" bands




There are some seriously ugly motherfuckers making music over here, then for some reason in Sweden Leonardo and crew are keeping it sexy. I note this because I come across these terrible Metalcore Band photo's every so often and I notice a lot of weird mongoloid looking fuckers in them, do ugly people like to make Metalcore? Or Maybe Desolator is just a bad example. Or maybe I just don't get what a good looking guy is, maybe these Metalcore dudes are hawt and my straight brain just can't understand what girls like.

Thus ends my observation
What poor Mop died for their hair? For the love of Mara my fucking gods!!!!!!