Post random pics of yourself

Schwartzkopf, usually a black dye with red shiney stuff :rofl: Looks black when there's no light shining on it directly, but when you put a lamp on it, it will look sort of red.

Can't, because THANKS TO YOU ENGLISH BASTARDS:)mad::mad:) the Woolies in Germany are closing too, and they were the only place with *good* cheap dye:cry:

I'm not English :p :lol:
frostbitten rain terror in Germany

They are right...I seen a few pics of you on here and you are making the same face in everyone...well except the epic throwing up on the train one :ill:
dunno the problem with the swedish public transport :p except for the delays on the train stations, it's quite cool :) go and puke a systembolaget instead, that's one fucked up "service".