Post Rock? Mogwai? Explosions in the Sky? Help needed...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
So I just checked out a CD called "The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Place" by a band called Explosions in the Sky. Pretty cool shit. For those not familair, a reviewer on Amazon described it as such:

This is truly beautiful. Explosions in the Sky is a four-piece (two guitars, bass, and drums) that gets lumped into the post-rock category, but they dramatically surpass the standards generally set for the idiom. They do the episodic build-build-build-climax-repeat formula like, say, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, but this music achieves something very different. The music is sparse and minimal with a genuine emotive power. The sparseness is present in the textural thinness (only four instrumentalists, remember), with guitars generally playing starry arpeggios with an empathetic rhythmic backing. With so much breathing room, the music fills the pockets of space left by bare instrumentation with simple emotional resonance that might not have prevailed with denser arrangements. The music is minimal not because it is in repetitive stasis, but because the song construction focuses on a collegial series of sounds development rather than linear evolutions.

Having listened to the CD once, I'd say this guy nailed it. As a matter of fact, if we reopen RC as a Post Rock review site, we should give this guy a call. But I digress...

In reading some of the other reviews, I kept seeing the name "Mogwai" pop up. I've heard of them, but never heard anything by them. Can anyone recommend a good place to start in their catalogue.

I think I need to go back and listen to Godspeed! You? Black! Emperor?

silver mt. zion
godspeed you! black emperor

that's all i can recommend, as it's all i really know. it's all really good shit, but i don't plan on expanding on my post rock collection because a little goes a long way. for me. and stuff. or something.
The closest thing I've come to post-rock is Pelican and latter Isis/Neurosis. I enjoy all of them, but am not prepared to venture further at this time. :)
i'd like to get some sigur ros, i didn't realize they fit into this group though. the one time i heard them was enjoyable. i was quite hosed at the time.

pelican, isis, and neurosis all rock but they have more post rock leanings than actually being in said genre. i mean, that's what i hear anyhow.
Nice review, and the following year is going to be a busy one for Explosions...rerelease of the ultra-rare debut, an interim EP, and a new album. As for mogwai, I recommend Come On Die Young and Happy Songs For Happy People (which is anything but). And if RC does expand to include post-rock upon reopening, I'll be happy to contribute some reviews...I've become hopelessly addicted to it. With some exceptions, like Sigur Ros. :eek:
:lol: That was a bit silly when they did that. New one doesn't have any "Hopelandic" crap on it though, or so I've heard.
Mogwai - the BBC album
Mono - something about a flag or some shit
Evpatoria Report - Golevka (these guys are Swiss. I don't think they have a US distributor but I can't believe that will be for long. but I got my copy from in Germany, with free postage...I can't believe how responsive this company was with my order) one of the very hallmarks of the nebulous label "post-rock" is emotional intensity and these guys have it in spades. if anyone wants a track to listen to pm me an email addy.
J. said:
The closest thing I've come to post-rock is Pelican and latter Isis/Neurosis. I enjoy all of them, but am not prepared to venture further at this time. :)

I hear a lot of Explosions in the Sky influence in the new Pelican, so who knows, you might really enjoy them.
Thanks for all the feedback. I know, no matter how obscure a band I track down, someone here will tell me, "Dude, that CD is shit, you need to check out their unreleased demo."
This forum rules.:headbang:
