this is alex, furby, berzerker, sadistik necrofiend (some of my fucked up names i get called by some people)
I do play in more than a few bands as well being in UTAH the zion wasteland of nothingness........there isnt much to do besides drink shitty beer, waste your time trying to hit on stupid chicks, and play fucking metal.......
Suprisingly enough UTAH has a very killer underground black/death/doom/thrash metal scene as i can think of like 10 bands just at the top of my head and well i happened to play in 4 bands......check it out if you desire a titanium injection of METAL!!!!!!!!!!
THE OBLITERATE PLAGUE (blackened death metal) I do guitar and vocals for this band and I would recommend it for fans of (morbid angel, venom, bathory, death, old mayhem etc.
TERRA NOIR (Raw, Cold, Grim, black fucking metal) I play guitar in this band and do some backing vocals and well its not for the faint of heart so if you desire to wake up the next day and find that you vomit black blood and live for black fucking metal than you will probably dig TERRA NOIR.........ENTER THE DEATH GATE!!!!!!!!!!
INCENDIANT (BRUTAL DEATH METAL) -If you like bands like Old Deicide, Immolation, Angel Corpse, or Hate Eternal i am sure you will enjoy incendiant........this is some brutal shit and well I play session bass.
here is my personal myspace page if you care (and no i am not a myspace whore)
the dude abides