Post your hauls here

i recently made a big order with the end records. It's been a week so far, but i did the free shipping thing.. so im not expecting it to be here soon, hopefully ill get within a week or two. How slow is media mail anyways?
I'm thinking the same thing about those Cd's you sent, if I dont get a notice formt he Post Office I'm going to ask for my CD's myself Thursday, you did send it to my college address right?
Funny...I was looking through Newbury Comics' (local chain) metal CD stock tonight with my friend. He pointed out some other Xasthur releases and mentioned that The Funeral Of Being was supposed to be re-released (no idea about this and didn't ask cuz I own the gatefold LP so who cares?) and I said "what the fuck...if they re-released Nocturnal Poisoning, then I'd have to buy that..." Then I looked through the Xasthur albums and there was a copy. Epic win!

Your friend must subscribe to their e-newsletter like I do. The one for last week listed FoB in the new releases section. I plan to acquire said album once I'm out for spring break at the end of this month.
It's good. I'd never heard Spiritus Mortis before and was (pleasantly) suprised when I listened to it for the first time. The Gates tracks are all good, although there's really only one new song, then there's a cover, an instrumental, a re-recording and two live tracks.
Do yourself a favour and check out Spiritus Mortis - s/t, it is fucking great! And with Albert Witchfinder guest singing. I can send a song if you want to.

Also, got in the mail today:

Soulreaper - Liferazer
Puissance - State Collapse
Asphyx - The Rack
Sentenced - Shadows of the Past
Sentenced - North From Here
Decameron - My Shadow...
Wolf - Black Wings
Wolf - Evil Star

Everything for ~30 euro including shipping, new.
INSOMNIUM - Above The Weeping World
INSOMNIUM - Since The Day It All Came Down
INSOMNIUM - In The Halls Of Awaiting
Opeth 5 cd limited collection
Avenged Sevenfold All Excess DVD
Avenged Sevenfold - Avenged Sevenfold
No, at least not the stuff on this split. Haven't heard anything else.

You have a link to a song list for the 2 disc LP? If this is something different, I might be purchasing it.

Also, Alter, Crebain does not blow. Crebain is the best side of the split I have.

EDIT: Nevermind. That split is one of the better BM CDs I own