Post your hauls here

@ Reckless Records in Chicago
Dead Conogregation - Graves of the Archangels
Portal - Outre
Tiamat - Wildhoney

@ eBay
Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung/Mirovozzrenie
Atheist - Unquestionable Presence
Cannibal Corpse-Evisceration Plague(brand new album):rock:
Behemoth-Ezkon(new EP):muahaha:
Emperor-In The Nightside Eclipse:kickass:
In The Nightside Eclipse is great, hope you enjoy it. How's the new Cannibal Corpse?
I haven't had a haul since last year, I'll be glad when I get my school stuff paid off so I can buy some CD's again, because all I've spent money on since I bought books was occasionally eating out and gas.
bathory blood fire death lp (clear vinyl)
demoncy joined in darkness LP
von satanic blood DLP
possessed beyond the gates / the eyes of horror
Mütiilation - Black Millenium

Theatres des Vampires - Vampyrìsme, Nècrophilie, Nècrosadisme, Nècrophagie

Found this rare album off ebay to complete my collection of L.V. era Theatres des Vampires.