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I finally got the Aorlhac album that I ordered months ago. Fuck off nowadays French postal service.
Meshuggah- Nothing, and Catch Thirty three,
Gojira- From Mars To Sirius, The Way of All Flesh
Loudrage- Rage Unleashed (fucking awesome)
lurker of chalice isn't worth spending money on

try to get the new xasthur, though

the chalice album tries way to hard to be good but its just a hodgepodge of sillyness

alsao, any of the 3 leviathan full length releases are a better bet.
no way

i own it but i never listen to it. its not good

i've moved away from the whole leviathan mess but the latest is the best

all the demos kill me with boredom but sometimes they are cooi

but people were mentioning summoning and stronghold is fantastic but you should try to get the whole discography. one of the best bands of all time