Post your hauls here

I still haven't had time to fix all my broken CDs I bought at MDF, but here is what I just bought today from a local record store.

Mayhem - Deathcrush
Candlemass - Death Magic Doom
Slayer - Hell Awaits
Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscape
Decapitated - Winds of Creation
Origin - Origin
Earth - The Bleeding Fields
Metallica - Creeping Death / Jump in the Fire
Arkhon Infaustus - Orthodoxyn
Crionics - Neuthrone
Master's Hammer- Ritual/The Jilemnice Occultist 4 LP set
Abominog- Manifesting Void
Begrime Exemious- Set Ablaze the Kingdom of Abraham
Jex Thoth- Jex Thoth
Manilla Road- Crystal Logic
Manilla Road- Gates of Fire
Demolition Hammer- Necrology: A Complete Anthology
The Lamp of Thoth- Portents, Omens, and Dooms
Against Nature- Appease

Non musics: Funebrarum t-shirt, Snakepit Magazine #15, Morbid Tales Zine #6
Orbital - Orbital
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Twisted Sister - Big Hits and Nasty Cuts
Johnny Cash - Man in Black
Iron Maiden - Dance of Death
Master's Hammer- Ritual/The Jilemnice Occultist 4 LP set
Abominog- Manifesting Void
Begrime Exemious- Set Ablaze the Kingdom of Abraham
Jex Thoth- Jex Thoth
Manilla Road- Crystal Logic
Manilla Road- Gates of Fire
Demolition Hammer- Necrology: A Complete Anthology
The Lamp of Thoth- Portents, Omens, and Dooms
Against Nature- Appease

Non musics: Funebrarum t-shirt, Snakepit Magazine #15, Morbid Tales Zine #6

Where did you get these Manilla Road albums?