Post your hauls here

Yep, I'm waiting for Open the Gates to get back in stock though... and for my next pay check to happen... in a week.
Necuratul said:
Especially the Manilla Road, Pagan Altar, and Cirith Ungol. Did you order that stuff from Tim?
Why isn't Volume 1 in your sig? I'd be so bold to say, Volume 1 > Relentless
Finally got my Reverend Bizarre and Agalloch album's yesterday. They both took forever to get here.

The Reverend Bizarre layout is pretty horrible--- and there's also a random picture of Christina Ricci. Does anyone else find that incredibly odd?
Stop fucking bitching at me. Every single time I post something you nag and bitch and moan about something I said. I guess to make up for the fact that everyone thinks we flirt online. Whatever man.

And I've listened to it a million times already. I think I'm going to get the new EP. It's on ebay for a good price.
No, I just fucking hate when people bitch about how purty their CDs don't look. You should be buying the CD for the music, the rest is inconsequential, and merely a bonus for being any good at all. I yelled at Greys and swizzlefuck the other day because they were bitching about packaging too, so don't think you're a special case.
He probably means "listen to the disc" because they clearly mention Christina Ricci in the song "Goddess of Doom".

Or maybe he doesn't!
Oh I assumed that is what she got. Either way, they obviously like Christina Ricci.

And why shouldn't they, she's hot.