post your honest reviews of the DVD, recent gigs and nick drake album here

Ehh, no, never got the point of those. Is tempting though, you being Norwegian and all, oil-thieving bastards. Do you speak bokmål or nynorsk?
Susie said:
I feel like i am haven another baby now after eaten me xmas dinner :grin:


p.s he is the right scouse for me ;)

You're delivering the same baby as Mick! :OMG:
Serves him well, only playing gigs in Poland, Greece, Holland and Belgium and finishing the Drakey thingy late, I've nothing to contribute on topic.
Fenre said:
@bambi: we just call them irish setters here. don't know if a red irish setter is some sort of spin off breed or something, but every irish setter I have ever met is doctile as a rock.

@allan: yes, I am bitter. and I'm planning on taking it all out on you lot.

Yeah i think irish setter si the correct name, they were used to be different shades of red and white but then people bred them just for the chestnut colour So now theres two breeds. the irish red and white setter and the irish red setter. I reckon most of em are loopy cos theyre kept as house pets when theyre really gundogs
ANATHEMA-"Were You There?" (DVD)

Format: DVD
Condition: New & Sealed

The first full length DVD from Anathema. (...)

heh, correct me if I'm wrong but I have another one on my shelf :lol: I also have a VHS, but that's the same... :lol:
but it says it has the booklet in it... don't know if it's true though...
@allan: bokmål. at least you danes arnen't discriminating (hating everyone). nynorsk was made exclusivly for those southern faggots.

@bambi: yeah. heard of sheepdog kept in the city. most of them got so agitaded that bit their owners. about them different subspeicies, we usually devide into irish (red), english (white with brown/black spots), and gordon (black with brown spots) setters. and we who breed dogs usually don't sell them to owners we're not sure about. too easy to have them ending up like you mentioned above.
Crack Hitler said:
so I guess I gotta harass once again

They're now saying it's released on the 17th of Jan :( I've triend hassling them, but they've ignored every email I've sent them. I did find the dvd at several other UK mailorders, but for £6 more than play (minimum), and I'm an impoverished student, so I'm waiting for play :wave: