post your hot body

Oh well, my turn \o/ There ain't that much pics of myself since I'm usually on the other side of the camera, but here's couple relatively recent shots.




Oh yeah, I also happen to work sometimes. Fascinating, huh?
but be happy that you´re also still looking good when photographing...I always tend to look like a retard XD
Hahahaha, I definitely don't always look good in photos, in fact I usually look like a total retard, and 'cuz I mostly can't look good, I make weird faces XDD But those shots above, they're taken by pros in our class, so the result is good no matter how foolish I look ;)
i like the first one also :D

retard? haha you all must see all the pictures on my job and also those on my id's XD
everyone who looks at the photo on my student card notices my scarf first. that´s frustrating. even ticket conductors on trains already made jokes about it -.-
my student card is decent since the photo have a bad resolution XD but i think is something usual, all ids pics usually suck, i hated when saw the picture of my degreee and thinking that pic will be there forever ahhhh
@silent_night: Thanks! :D

Haha, it's funny that I actually love my ID pic... For once I manage to look like an adult, and my cheeks look waaaaaay smaller than they actually are. Which is pure win :'D
yeah, but i so do not look like myself on that one...esp when i had the shorter hair, now my hair is growing longer again, not sure if I´ll cut it again XD


So yeah, this is how I look these days. Not much changed from those pics that were taken on last year.