post your hot body

Dellabella - you're never too old for those park horses! :)

@Lasse Lammert i havent see Samppy in many time, she still around here? i used to talk with her in myspace long time ago..

Ah, just saw this. Yeah, I'm still around - I've just been flat out with uni and work! And now I've started doing marketing for my promoter friend again, so have barely had any time to be too interactive with forums these days! Erm, a new picture? I've just uploaded a new pic on my Facebook (first new picture in a good while!), so I'll post that I guess...

Also, silent_night...are you Sikh by any chance?

FromLeneWithL - I LOVE your hair! :)


My own new hair! (I was brunette two days ago haha.)
nice see you around sampy ;) and very nice pic, i also get so busy with the job and forget enter to the forums. No that about religion is a kind of joke truth is i dont think i have one.
@silent_night and @Sampy Arctica: Thankies! :D Just dyed it again a couple weeks ago, it looked more red in pics than it actually was, now it's again the usual crimson as I like it the most (:

And Sampy, your hair looks gorgeous!^^
nice see you around sampy ;) and very nice pic, i also get so busy with the job and forget enter to the forums. No that about religion is a kind of joke truth is i dont think i have one.

Ah, I know right?! Life's been getting so hectic lately, it's hard to keep up with forums sometimes haha. Oh okay, I just asked because the whole "against my religion" thing. One of my friends is Sikh and has never had a haircut in her life because it's against her religion.

FromLeneWithL - Thanks! :) hard is red to keep in your hair?! Gah. I've spent so much on hair dye and treatments the past couple of weeks. I do like the look of it, but bright red is such high maintenance, it washes out too easily. I can't wait to go back to black, my hair's only red for a costume. Soon as the event is over, it's being dyed back again.
@Sampy Arctica: It's damn hard, honestly, bright red is probably the colour that washes out most easily, besides some shock colours like green and such. But it depends quite a lot on the colour label, I normally use one that's called Cameleo - a cheapish brand they sell at least here in Finland (and somewhere else in Europe as well, dunno 'bout Australia, Asia and US), but those of Schwarzkopf's and Garnier's won't last longer than couple weeks, even not the permanent level. One tip that works at least with me is washing hair with cold or cool water for couple first weeks, although I ignore it more than often, I'm too fond of warm showers :D Those colour masks and such work wonderfully, too. But yeah, I guess if you've had dark hair before red, it washes out even more easily. I've had crimson red for so long it stays quite well these days, though if I don't dye it in two months it goes quite ginger-y.
Figures I might aswell post a pic of me here, and since download was last weekend, why not use a picture from that?

I thinks you knows it!
@Sampy Arctica: It's damn hard, honestly, bright red is probably the colour that washes out most easily, besides some shock colours like green and such. But it depends quite a lot on the colour label, I normally use one that's called Cameleo - a cheapish brand they sell at least here in Finland (and somewhere else in Europe as well, dunno 'bout Australia, Asia and US), but those of Schwarzkopf's and Garnier's won't last longer than couple weeks, even not the permanent level. One tip that works at least with me is washing hair with cold or cool water for couple first weeks, although I ignore it more than often, I'm too fond of warm showers :D Those colour masks and such work wonderfully, too. But yeah, I guess if you've had dark hair before red, it washes out even more easily. I've had crimson red for so long it stays quite well these days, though if I don't dye it in two months it goes quite ginger-y.

One trick I did was to mix the hairdye (we have a hair range here called Fudge, one of the best clearly-unnatural-hair-colour products in Australia) in with my conditioner so every time I washed my hair I'd leave the conditioner on for the entire shower and end up re-dying my hair at the same time. But really, it's just all so expensive in the long run!

Anyway - that convention was this weekend, the reason why my hair is bright red so here's some photo's of my costume (prepare for photo overload...):




This is the character I was going as - Karin from the Naruto: Shippuden series.


Just being chill with James Marsters (bad quality is because it's a camera phone photo of the actual photo):


And then having a couple of drinks later that night:



...okay, maybe it was a bit more than 'a couple'. :lol: