post your odd/bad/good dreams

dream dictionaries don't seem to think so highly of Tidal Waves in dreams..

"Tidal waves suggest a period of emotional upheaval. Anxiety, stress, and unconscious materials may be coming to the surface and affecting your daily moods. Giant tidal waves may symbolize current emotional unhappiness and psychological stress, which are threatening to destroy you. Surviving the tidal wave suggests that you have enough strength to overcome challenges and drowning that you may be "in it over your head" and should seek assistance."

I don't think that applies at all!! anxiety and stress?? not so much.

perhaps anxious for time to fly by faster at the moment, but i doubt thats the same.
a bunch of people on jet skis that couldn't go as fast as the bigger boat I was on got sucked into it.

in theory i got away.

though there were more occasions in the dream that are coming back to me that i was wet. I remember having to change a shirt that was wet.

ha! soooo much water in that dream
I used to dream about people killing me almost every night, but I got that fixed now.

In Flames and Nevermore have been in my dreams before.