post your sexy pics here

I honestly don't think his nose is abnormally "huge" my nose is pretty big, and that sucks as far as being a girl. But I personally think noses are cool, and most people in my family have... beaks to say the least. I think noses give a face a lot of character. I think he's getting a lot of shit because he continually posted those pictures with his face covered. For some reason, it annoyed me. And I am not usually annoyed by such... absolutely meaningless and unimportant and irrelevant things. He just took his "gag" a little too far... in my opinion at least. And has made some comments that I don't think people could pass up ;)

i think a female's nose should look definitively feminine, but aside from your nose, you look gorgeous
A picture from memorial day weekend, you know before everything went to shit...


More to come, I'm just too lazy to resize the rest currently. They're cool fireworks.


your eyes are so much prettier than mine
Fuck other people's insecurities. You are one gorgeous womang.

Haha thanks, to Krigloch as well, I think it's hysterical that males on this board seem to think I am somewhat attractive, yet every other male seems utterly repulsed by me, and I am a pretty nice, caring, I think at least, interesting person. Strange. But it doesn't really matter, things like that don't bother me anymore, except... when LRD says them!
Haha thanks, to Krigloch as well, I think it's hysterical that males on this board seem to think I am somewhat attractive, yet every other male seems utterly repulsed by me, and I am a pretty nice, caring, I think at least, interesting person. Strange. But it doesn't really matter, things like that don't bother me anymore, except... when LRD says them!
It's probably because the majority of the males on this board....
Too easy.