Power Death bands!

DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
HateCrew666 has made me rethink listening to music as a hobby. Maybe I'll weave baskets instead...

If you weave them, I'll market them.

^^^Great moment in woven basket history.
Necramentia said:
quoted for preservation
i carved hatecrew666's post using the futhorc runes onto a cromlech, but i don't have a digital camera to show it to other ultimate metal forum's general music discussion board posters >_>
HateCrew666 said:
you are a fucking idiot

Children Of Bodom is black metal / death metal

Death Metal has nothing to do with drums or guitars in my opinion- of course...they have to be fucking heavy, but its about the lyric--about every song children of bodom has made is about death hate or the murders at lake bodom

i believe Black Metal is the instrumental part of it--shredding guitars, fast music, fast drumbeats, and a keyboarder

unless you want to be a satanic black metal band then it is all about lyric

Holy shit, we have a winner in the dumbest internet user ever category! Hurrah!
HateCrew666 said:
you are a fucking idiot

Children Of Bodom is black metal / death metal

Death Metal has nothing to do with drums or guitars in my opinion- of course...they have to be fucking heavy, but its about the lyric--about every song children of bodom has made is about death hate or the murders at lake bodom

i believe Black Metal is the instrumental part of it--shredding guitars, fast music, fast drumbeats, and a keyboarder

unless you want to be a satanic black metal band then it is all about lyric
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: haaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha, that's really made my day


And that crappy japan bodom wannabe band. Bloody Assed Child or something.