Seriously Larry? I wouldn't have expected you to resort to lame generalizations and stereotypes....
If I were to call COLDPLAY commercial crap, or HIM and SISTERS OF MERCY faggoth Hot Topic crap, you would come down on me harder than a Macho Man Randy Savage elbow drop off the top rope!
All genres of music (there are NO exceptions) have their fair share of "goofy shit" bands. It's music. It's entertainment.
Sure, some bands have more redeeming qualities both musically and vocally than others.
As Vito pointed out, the highlight of Rhapsody's music is definitely their musical composition, and not their lyrics.
I mean, would you say that Dio's solo material is "goofy power metal shit"?
Heavy metal has always been rich lyrically in fantasy.
Sure, some of the 90's and beyond power metal bands took it to another level. No doubt there is a lot of cheese, but same with every genre.