Powerfest '09

I'm too lazy to go back and see if anyone else made this suggestion (including myself):


I like the new album...although I've been spoiled by Juha-Pekka Leppäluoto singing on the first one...LOVE his voice & really wish he was still in the band. Good thing Charon (his band) is still cranking out albums...new one coming out next year I think. Check out their album The Dying Daylight if you're interested...here's a song if curious:

:kickass: :headbang: :kickass:
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I like the new album...although I've been spoiled by Juha-Pekka Leppäluoto singing on the first one...LOVE his voice & really wish he was still in the band. Good thing Charon (his band) is still cranking out albums...new one coming out next year I think. Check out their album The Dying Daylight if you're interested...here's a song if curious:

:kickass: :headbang: :kickass:

I actually bought The Dying Daylights after getting the first PB album about 5 years ago and being blown away by that disc. I prefer Lust Stained Despair - Ville's vocals sound great, and it's more of a riff-driven sound similar to Sentenced.

I just got the new PB album this week, so it really hasn't sunken in yet. And because the other albums I got along with the order have been dominating my player.....Bloodbath! Those guys are probably a little too high-priced for this fest though.
I actually have no interest in Bloodbath since Swano was removed.

I'd like to see Poisonblack. I absolutely love Sentenced, and that would be the closest I'd ever get to seeing them.
I'd like to see Poisonblack. I absolutely love Sentenced, and that would be the closest I'd ever get to seeing them.

Same here, though I don't know if Poisonblack plays any Sentenced songs live. Maybe that could be a contractual obligation if they were to ever play the fest!

I'm a sucker for Ville's stuff.
Same here, though I don't know if Poisonblack plays any Sentenced songs live. Maybe that could be a contractual obligation if they were to ever play the fest!

If they don't play any, that's fine. The voice will be there, and we can just imagine he's going "CROOSSS MY HEAAAAAARRTT AND HOOOPPEEE TO DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE"
If they don't play any, that's fine. The voice will be there, and we can just imagine he's going "CROOSSS MY HEAAAAAARRTT AND HOOOPPEEE TO DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE"

I was seriously going to put that song in my last response - contractually obligated to play Cross My Heart and Hope to Die...but figured you'd think that song sucked. Ha!
I always forget about Poisonblack! I was fortunate enough to see Sentenced, before they were um, sentenced to their metal death. I wanna say they toured with Dark Tranquillity in 2002. I too am a sucker for Ville. :tickled:
^ I both have fond and not-so-fond memories from that show.

The fond: In Flames, Dark Tranquillity, and Sentenced sets.

One of the not-so-fonds: My car was keyed. :erk:
I'm going to ante up another 2 cents in this thread with a request for Circle II Circle in '09.

What can I say? I'm a recent convert.

Oliva's Pain would be cool too, but they might be out of the CPF budget range (idk).

By the way, the new home page for the CPF site looks pretty kickass! Nice work there guys. Can't wait to see more...like a page with next year's line-up. :p