PP USA VII: Band #7 & #8 confirmed

Ascension said:
Yep...you're right & I was pretty perturbed with that line up too. Especially after seeing the lackluster performances & thinking of the bands I'd rather be seeing. Swore I wouldn't go to another minimal talented show as that again.

Are you serious? Okay, okay, PK69 was not my personal cup of tea, but their performance was stellar. But come on, dude! Orphaned Land OWNED the Prog Power crowd. I was seriously floored by how well Kobi (OL vocalist) worked the crowd, and got everyone into the songs. Even people who were expecting them to suck were into it down there in the pit. They were fantastic, and one of the biggest surprises last year.

I came in a fan of that band, but I came out as a new person, it was a spiritual experience dude. Orphaned Land were simply terrific, no ifs ands or buts. I think you should reconsider your "lackluster performance" assessment, because I doubt many agree with you.

The thing is, as I admitted Pink Cream 69 was just not my style, but their performance was professional and solid. I can see that Orphaned Land probably just wasn't your cup of tea either, but to call their performance lackluster is just a mistake on your part. Their performance was tops (they hit the notes, they were energetic, their frontman worked the audience, they had us headbanging, singing along, chanting, clapping, you name it).

I would have thought your statements to be more valid if you had said "Ya know, I just wasn't feeling it for Orphaned Land or PK69, they're not my kinds of bands." But to say their performances were lackluster, that's just dead wrong.

--- And on a side note, harsh vocals are not indicative of death metal or black metal or anything like that. Look at a band like Children of Bodom or Skyfire. Those bands are straight up power metal, just no clean vocals. They are in no way death metal. Therefore, I say to call Mercenary death metal is just a travesty to the style of music they play. The same can be said for other bands that merge death/harsh vox with metal (think Opeth, Into Eternity, Kalmah, Orphaned Land, etc. etc. etc.).
Whoever doesn't like the lineup, just DON'T GO! It's your right in this free country to do as you please. Stay home and let someone who hasn't experienced Progpower yet have their chance at a ticket. Glenn and his staff work extremely hard to put on the show. Don't diminsh their efforts by constantly bitching!
Glenn, I see that I"m not getting the Pretty Maids (probably) because you obviously don't respect them as a headliner for your show but even though you're blind there, you've put together one of your best shows thus far, IMO. It's not too proggy and not too powery. Solid, man. Give the Maids a fresh look next year..we're past 1987 and so are the Maids.

Now, wouldn't it be cool if the headliners were MasterPlan and Helloween and then we had some little "reunion" jam after the sets each night? Maybe the Helloween guys jam out to a Masterplan song and Masterplan joins Helloween for a rendition of "Where the Rain Grows" or something? Cool indeed. People who don't like this show don't like metal in general as I see it.
As I was writing my post, I didn't see the new posts by Ascension and Glenn. No one likes a troll dude. That's just not cool. Hiding behind an Internet alias in order to annoy a devoted message board? How very 13-year-old of you.
Ascension said:
Yep...you're right & I was pretty perturbed with that line up too. Especially after seeing the lackluster performances & thinking of the bands I'd rather be seeing. Swore I wouldn't go to another minimal talented show as that again.

Excuse me for not agreeing with someone, but now that made me pissed

If you are calling Orphaned Land a lackluster performance based on what you saw last year, I have to say you have really no sense of music whatsoever.

If you think they are "minimal talented", I think you have a big mental problem and should not be allowed to listen to music, period.

It is one thing to not like something and say "I didnt like it". Now saying it was lackluster and minimal talented just because you didnt like it is being an idiot.

If you did mention Orphaned Land, you are an idiot. If you did not and I didnt get your message, please disregard what I just said.
Ascension said:
Thanks...I'll wait for Dream Theater.

Then why dont you go post on Dream Theater's messageboard and save us from your whining and stupid comments towards Glenn's mention on ticket sales?

Why don't you go try to start your own god damn festival, with your "Non-lackluster" performances, and real TALENTED bands?

Jeez man..what the hell!
Palabra de Dios said:
As I was writing my post, I didn't see the new posts by Ascension and Glenn. No one likes a troll dude. That's just not cool. Hiding behind an Internet alias in order to annoy a devoted message board? How very 13-year-old of you.

No troll...check the join date & number of posts dildo. I'm also 44 yrs old. And remember...opinions vary...much like azzholes :Spin:
AngraRULES said:
Then why dont you go post on Dream Theater's messageboard and save us from your whining and stupid comments towards Glenn's mention on ticket sales?

Why don't you go try to start your own god damn festival, with your "Non-lackluster" performances, and real TALENTED bands?

Jeez man..what the hell!

I do post on DT's board. Angra...I have read alot of your posts & have respect for alot that you have had to say. You like Orphaned Land? To each his own...they're not for me and alot of others I've seen posts from. As I said earlier...opinions vary. No whining...again...an opinion. Stupid comment? Just stating the obvious.
Glenn, thank you buddy!!!! As many of you already know, i am a huge Vision Divine fan and a huge fan of the whole Italian metal scene (loved Secret Sphere!). I am watching the Stage of Consciousnes DVD as we speak, and holy shit, Michele sings so effortlessly it is incredible! They are stealing the whole damn show for sure!!

And yes, I am biased when I say I do think they deserve a 4 spot for sure- definitely ahead of Thunderstone... Hey, Glenn has his reasons and I respect them. I am just thrilled that I will be seeing them in September. This has been the best damn news in a long time. KILLER!
to me this lineup so far is one of the least exciting. Epica being the best attraction and good bands in Thunderstone and Vision Divine and possibly Savage Circus (but I think I like Persuader better than them)
Holy Mother of God, every time I come here there's another band announced.

I can't wait for payday so I can send Glenn my GB money.

Babs (weeping hysterically from all the excitement)...
Angrafan said:
But yeah, I was really shocked when I saw Vision Divine at number 2.. I think they are the biggest band announced so far.. Maybe not Epica, but still! they are right up there!

I have to agree; I truly think they are the biggest band announced thus far, other than Epica. Oh well, it would have been another 15 minutes as even I can admit they are not headlining material just yet. Give them another few years, and mark my words, they will be headlining PP X. Olaf is the fuckin man!
lucretia96 said:
to me this lineup so far is one of the least exciting. Epica being the best attraction and good bands in Thunderstone and Vision Divine and possibly Savage Circus (but I think I like Persuader better than them)

I am the complete opposite. This is one of the most exciting! :rock:
Ascension said:
Begging for solicitation of ticket sales...hmmm. Lack of faith in this years lineup? Seems to be.

Sells out in less than one week buddy; mark my words. The last thing Glenn needs to do is beg for solicitation. Apparently you haven't been around the last 5 years; automatic sell out Mo.