ppl, you have to admit...


Satan's yoyo
Oct 31, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
... that there is no such thing as a "metal-community". be honest with yourselves.
true thrill brought me to this Forum, I really adore Nevermore, it's my favourite band. what did I find here? a lair of hysterical frustrated people who can hardly wait to form their own group, to be able to offend others, some are here to provoke... actually it's a very sad place. most of the members here have emotional disorders (just like 99% of metalheads have)... one tiny group doesn't, and it shows.

unfortunately, there is no "together we are strong, eternal bound" thing. we were strong and close to each other only when a person died. why was that so? because we all had pants full of shit, thinking who'll be next... but after a while, what did we have again? everybody hates somebody over there, that other one is retard...

politics are not excluded thing here. eventhough, everyone is just a metalhead, there is this "I hate you cause you are stupid"- "I hate you because you are poor, small and miserable" movie constantly repeating...

I liked some people very much here, but it was only my subjective opinion, don't wanna mention names, cause I'll get flamed (like I won't anyway, it is modus operandi here)....

so, it doesn't make me feel good to say it, but I'll close this chapter...

My name is not Biff, but Tamara Kuharski, it was my pleasure, but I'm out of here...
Damn shame. Don't blame you though, Tee. Nice, while it lasted. I realize why I miss the old board.

My name is Jim Higuera, and Tee's right.
fuck...this board will miss two more of its best members...welcome to the fall of one band's bulletin board :p

niko,steile mou to email sou se pm,mporei na to xreiastw kapoia stigmh

if we lose communnication guys,good luck with your lives...live,learn and love.cheers
Oh you guys PLEASE dont' go. I'm very new to this board, and I haven't spoken to either of you, but I've been reading a lot of the threads and you guys are so great. You've given me so much information on one the greatest bands!
As an outsider, I see that you people REALLY DO care for one another. You are friends, and sometiimes it nice to be able to get out the frustrations of the day with people who you know accept you and love you.
You are such beautiful people, this board needs you! So please, stay. Maybe we can turn this board into a place where love of the music and being together in the spirit of friendship and kindness is what really matters.

Maybe we can turn this board into a place where love of the music and being together in the spirit of friendship and kindness is what really matters.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That doesn't seem very likely, seeing how most of us here are mean-spirited assholes.

Hmm... I guess WE choose to be that way cause being a mean-spirited asshole and arguing about everything all the time is interesting-(for lack of a better word)... I mean come on, can you imagine what this board would be like without arguments and cussing and hating each other? Boring...

Originally posted by bloodquencher
Constantinos Stephanopoulos is a video game hating asshole!

Uhh... no, he's just a dumb fuck that can't tell the difference between gambling games and video games.

Why wouldn't it be legal? I mean you ran over an animal, it's not your fault, now it's sitting there dead... what are you gonna do? Call the cops? Bury it? Hell no, eat it man... Especially if you killed like a deer or something.

Well, I admit, that IS what drew me into this board. Partly anyway. But I don't think you guys really hate each other as much as you pretend. And this board could never be boring! You guys are too insightful, funny, and smart to ever let that happen. It makes me happy to see that the young people of this world aren't all shallow and brain dead. You guys may be smart-asses, but hey, it's better than being a dumb-ass!!!

I am just sad to see Tee and Nikos go because of squabbles. That's all.

this is what happens when people get addicted to bb's. They have to quit cold turkey, and then deal with all the thinking, and reminiscing of good times they had on their former board.

Me on the other hand, I saw Tee's points from the first time I read this board, which I why I don't post here very often. I could un-bookmark this board right now and never have a second thought. I think 'metalheads' are some of the stupidest, most shallow, closed-minded people on the face of the earth. It almost shames me sometimes to love their music probably more than they do.
Originally posted by dead_fetus
I think 'metalheads' are some of the stupidest, most shallow, closed-minded people on the face of the earth.

I see what you're trying to do... It's the whole thing about keeping things interesting right? hahahaa :lol:
