Preparing for Isis in NYC

WTF indeed!?!

and yeah, what moron wouldn't put a search funciton for that crap!? If I could search for an internet jukebox and found one around here i'd hit that place up with some buddies and a sack of coins. Fucking turn it intoa metal club! :kickass:
the great thing about the area where the show is ... is that it's the heart of the modeling industry ... crawling with models ... the type that Erik hates :loco:

will find a more reasonably priced bar ... what time are we meeting? 6pm?
if thinking about it from a business perspective the search function could work for AND against them ... especially if there are a lot of jukeboxes concentrated in certain areas.

in my neighbourhood at least 4 places have them.
While I was looking for a site that offered a search feature for bars with internet jukeboxes, I came across an interesting article. The guy wrote that the internet jukebox has been a horrible thing for bars. He believes jukeboxes, and the music the owner offers on it, is one of the defining characteristics of a bar. He suggests, that the internet jukeboxes have robbed bars of that aspect of their personality. In all fairness, he has a point. If I was someone who frequented a neighborhood bar and was accustomed to hearing a certain style of music on the box, and then some kids rolled in from out of town, and queued up 12 hours of Maiden, I might be annoyed (well, not me, but someone who doesn't like Maiden).

ok, according to my friend who used to work around there ... the chances of finding a cheaper place is zero ... we would need to go somewhere else ... or drink on the street.
General Zod said:
While I was looking for a site that offered a search feature for bars with internet jukeboxes, I came across an interesting article. The guy wrote that the internet jukebox has been a horrible thing for bars. He believes jukeboxes, and the music the owner offers on it, is one of the defining characteristics of a bar. He suggests, that the internet jukeboxes have robbed bars of that aspect of their personality. In all fairness, he has a point. If I was someone who frequented a neighborhood bar and was accustomed to hearing a certain style of music on the box, and then some kids rolled in from out of town, and queued up 12 hours of Maiden, I might be annoyed (well, not me, but someone who doesn't like Maiden).


The whole concept of it is based on complete selfishness -- to the point where the "play it now" option overrides other songs waiting in the queue. That is the epitome of bad manners.

BUT, damn if it aint cool to play your own fave music for just one night instead of having to endure yet another session of Lynrd Skynrd, Pink Floyd, and the Rolling Stones.

The best part about my bar in Suffern is that the bar guys THANK us for playing Maiden etc, and even turn the volume up. Nobody seems to mind, in fact we've had people strike up a conversation just because they didn't think anyone else listened to this stuff.

There are closet metal fans out there hiding behind the taboo that is "heavy metal".
lurch70 said:
ok, according to my friend who used to work around there ... the chances of finding a cheaper place is zero ... we would need to go somewhere else ... or drink on the street.

I don't care where we go -- Manhattan isn't a big place and everything is a cab ride away.
Yeah I hear that too, but to a certain degree I can understand it -- it's pop music after all.

What I don't get is how people can go out to a bar and put money in the jukebox to hear "Sweet Home Alabama", especially when it's on the radio every 5 minutes.
JayKeeley said:
What I don't get is how people can go out to a bar and put money in the jukebox to hear "Sweet Home Alabama", especially when it's on the radio every 5 minutes.
Or "Paradise by the Dashboard Light". There are certain CDs that I think come built into every jukebox produced, and Meatloaf's "Bat out of Hell" is certainly one of them.

and AC/DC's Back in Black ...

The worst is fucking hearing Meatloaf in a kareoke bar ... fuuuuuck
hahahah ...
i have a feeling ISIS is another band best taken in small doses live ... if they play more than 45 minutes, I am leaving :loco:

but then again, I don't do drugs ... which i am sure would enhance the experience.