Preparing for Isis in NYC

hahaha ... i have some cool videos from last night ... and pics also ... of JK drunk in my car also ... totally silent and spaced :lol:

the show was over at 10:40 ... dropped JK off ... came back to Snitch with my friend where 2 girls were waiting for us, the chicks that could not get into the show ... then we went to Brooklyn dancing fucking Salsa till 4am :kickass: ... then had breakfast at a diner ...
lurch70 said:
hahaha ... i have some cool videos from last night ... and pics also ... of JK drunk in my car also ... totally silent and spaced :lol:

Oh nooooooo..... :lol:

Hey did you get the camera pictures I sent you today to your cell?

the show was over at 10:40 ... dropped JK off ... came back to Snitch with my friend where 2 girls were waiting for us, the chicks that could not get into the show ... then we went to Brooklyn dancing fucking Salsa till 4am :kickass: ... then had breakfast at a diner ...

Man, you are a fucken beast! :rock:
By the way, I want to mention the chicks last night.

Chicks in the bar were just out of work, and I do love chicks all dressed up for the office as you know. It's those chunky heels and tight skirts, etc.

Also, the girls at the Isis show ruled. First of all, they were all thin. Secondly, a bunch of them were wearing really smart clothes (short sleeved shirts, pencil skirts, 2" heels -- almost executive looking).....but with these huge tattoos down their arms, kinda Jamie from Hammers style. Maybe a little coloUr streaks in the hair too.

I like that mix of office assistant and rock n' roller. And yes, I did rock out with my cock out. :loco:
got the pics ... i need to blow out my machine at home before putting up my batch of stuff ... fucking spyware.

i have 20 years of weekend late night hanging out training ... otherwise I could not do it ... the marathon hanging out that is :loco:
yeah good crowd last night if a bit subdued ...
still cannot believe it was sold out ... i am thinking at least 800 people there ?!?!?
grazim said:
Did the vocalist drool a whole lot while singing? As in, a fucking ridiculous amount?

he did when I was there. big wads of slobber all of over his guitar, himself, the floor, his shoes and the microphone. HUGE WADS!! big strings of it. haha
Stardust2112 said:
Hey gang!

Great seeing you guys last night, and meeting a couple of you for the first time. :) Am I the only one who stayed sober? Haha.

ISIS were pretty awesome... in a monolithic concrete sort of way. :rock:



It's moi, Ali. :grin:

It was me who said something about "monolithic concrete" right? I was drunk, but strangley, I remember all the details. :loco:

I even had to remind Paula to get our stuff from the coat check. :tickled:
Stardust2112 said:
Am I the only one who stayed sober? Haha.

Stardust2112 said:
ISIS were pretty awesome... in a monolithic concrete sort of way. :rock:
Awesome. I totally forgot about that.

JK, you need a sub-forum called "Monolithic Concrete". It's a perfect name for a forum dedicated to all the "Damn I'm Drunk" threads.

JayKeeley said:
It was me who said something about "monolithic concrete" right? I was drunk, but strangley, I remember all the details. :loco:

I believe the full statement was something like, "They're like monolithic slabs of concrete falling into the ocean and flying back out."

Here, have another drink. It will help you remember. :kickass: LOL!


I remember telling Wilson that Isis were like "monolithic slabs of concrete falling into the ocean, sinking to the sea floor, and then being launched back out all the way into outer space".

What I didn't realize was you lot overhearing. :loco:

I also remember asking Wilson which part of China he was from, only for him to tell me he was actually from Peru. :loco: [/footinmouth]
hola Christina ... wow ... I remember that monolithic thing too. Sucks you could not take any photos, there were some great opps for sure ...

we all need to get toghether for the Death in the Forest thingie ... even though the lineup sucks
I also remember asking Wilson which part of China he was from, only for him to tell me he was actually from Peru. [/footinmouth]

he's fucking Ecuadorian ... but you're from Pakistan right?
the funny thing is, he is dating a Tibetan chick now that has a 10 year old son ... and this kid looks totally like him ...
I mean if I did not know Wilson and he would introduce this kid as his own, I would not doubt it for a minute :loco:

a lot of people from Ecudor have those features, it is more an "indian" look than asian
lurch70 said:
the funny thing is, he is dating a Tibetan chick now that has a 10 year old son ... and this kid looks totally like him ...
I mean if I did not know Wilson and he would introduce this kid as his own, I would not doubt it for a minute :loco:

Brilliant. :lol:

a lot of people from Ecudor have those features, it is more an "indian" look than asian

Yeah, if I go to Texas, people speak to me in Spanish. When I went to Egypt, everyone spoke to me in Arabic. I suppose I look like a latino arab of sorts. :loco: