Preparing for Isis in NYC

holy shit ... its 5 am ... just got home.

look for some hilarious pics and lots of videos here tomorrow ...

great fucking show :kickass:
Great show. The place was sold out. I was very surprised at just how energetic the band is on the stage. I said previously that 45 minutes would be enough Isis for me... I was wrong. They slayed.

I apologize for inexplicably failing to catch up with you bastards...anyway, Isis were incredible, I also wasn't expecting them to be that energetic, and the new material instantly elevated their next one to my most anticipated release of 2006. Plus they played Wills Dissolve, which wasn't on earlier setlists. I also enjoyed the hell out of Zombi's set. And I got anointed with beer from the balcony upon walking out, always the sign of a great concert. Bring on Pelican (np: March Into The Sea) and Mono!
Demonspell said:
...and the new material instantly elevated their next one to my most anticipated release of 2006. Plus they played Wills Dissolve, which wasn't on earlier setlists.
Honestly, aside from the "Panopticon" material, which I'm very familiar with, everything else just sort of ran together (not in a bad way), so I have no idea what was new and what was old. Regardless, their new one is among my most anticipated releases of '06 as well.

Suffice it to say, Isis just made my "Can't miss these guys when they tour" list. Fucking fantastic.

Zod: Oceanic.

The show was amazing. The last two 'new songs' were great especially the last one, the buildup towards the end of the song was pure bliss (reminded me of the gault).
Did they play Carry or The Beginning and the End (or [/not going to happen anymore] Weight?)
i agree, i became a bigger fan after this show, and I was hammered ... the mood they create is awesome ... stage was constantly awash in blues or purples ... you'll see from my pics.
got some nasty spyware on my machine that needs to be removed first ...

hey spikes ... good meeting you ... sorry you caught me at the end only ...
Demonspell said:
Agreed, reminded me of Syndic Calls with the massive climax and the perfectly placed screams at the end...Oceanic seconded, avoid the earlier stuff until hearing it.

was that the encore they played? ... call me ignorant, but I am with Zod ... only recognized some Panopticon material ... but that encore smoked!
I am so fucked today.

If there is any band that can induce motion sickness, it's Isis. Honestly, even now I still feel a little nauseus. Or maybe it's the goddamn 8 guinnesses I drank before those tanqueray gins. Those basslines were just hammering through me all night long.

I need to see Isis again, less drunk, but it would be cool to get stoned though.

By the way, whoever said Isis were loud were talking BS. My ears are shot to shit and I normally have to wear plugs, but for Isis, didn't need 'em.

We stood by the soundboard as well so the sound was just perfect in that place.

Lurch - thanks for the ride to NY Penn. Next thing I remember, I was being woken up at Suffern. THANK GOD my station is the last on the line.
JayKeeley said:
By the way, whoever said Isis were loud were talking BS. My ears are shot to shit and I normally have to wear plugs, but for Isis, didn't need 'em.
Yeah, the sound was awesome. Though, it was quite a bit louder, closer to the stage.

JayKeeley said:
Lurch - thanks for the ride to NY Penn. Next thing I remember, I was being woken up at Suffern. THANK GOD my station is the last on the line.
Yeah, the wfie and I passed out and awoke one stop before ours.

MadeInNewJersey said:
I need to stop getting my car towed.
You should really try to avoid parking in front of these little thingies:


I was so drunk getting off the train too. I couldn't even walk in a straight line getting home, I was actually laughing at myself as I stumbled along.