Preparing your tracks for reamping: A Guide

thank you!
build this I shall:

EDIT: anyone who sees this and wants to build it, I have read that this circuit is not set up for an ideal impedence at all and these revisions should be made
The input pot should be increased to 1 Meg.
R1 should be several Megs (10 Megs is easy enough to find).
C1 should be a non-electrolytic. 0.1uF plastic film is fine.
Increase R2 to 1 Meg.
Install small value (100p) cap across R1.
Put a little cap (10 to 47pF) across R5.
Increase C2 & C3 to 100uF 63volt.
Increase R6 & R7 to 680R, decrease R8 & R9 to 680R.
R12 & C8 are useless, just make a direct connection from Gnd to Pin 1.
Connect negative of battery to normalling contact of Input jack (sleeve break) in order to turn off battery when instrument is disconnected.
Insert diode (1N4001...7) between positive of battery and positive of C4.

You should end up with a pretty decent box.
and ideally you should remove that output connector since it can distort your input sound.
a thanks to abbey road d enfer for pointing these changes out in this thread

i would leave R12 and C8 in there because they are designed to be an "earth isolation circuit" since ground lifting is not easily possible with an active box

I have the redeye, and when reamping my sound is duller then pluggin in straight in the amp.

Is this because my guitars have passive pickups en the redeye's input impedance is a bit low for those, should i use and active d.i. instead ?

I thought about getting the palmer pan 02, is this any good ?
Hello guys. I have RME fireface UFX. Do i need anything else to get a quality signal? I mean it has hi-Z instrument input (800Kohms i think) and good preamps.

What do you think?
Hi !!! I did a little bit of reamping but my main question was when you record dry track how do you edit guitar ?? A lot of people keep saying that to record note by note and hit the string as hard as you can and after edit them... ??? well I try it out yesterday and It did not sound pretty good actually... too much editing and the palm muting sound special too ??? can you give me some cool advice on how to track and edit rhythm guitar to sound as pro as I can !!!

My equipment is base on a FIREFACE 400,Universal audio LA-610 mic pre with comp , a good computer working under cubase for my sequencer, and a lot of guitar amp sim and plug ins !!!

Thanks again !!!

thanks benny !! That's what I was thinking of course !!!! but I know a lot of band that did it actually and it sound pretty cool but you're right !!! there is no such thing as REAL GUITAR PLAYER ahahaha !
Hello, I've read the entire thread and I think I've identified why my reamps with virtual amp sims sound so bad.

I'm recording my DI's through a Line 6 Toneport UX2, which is basically a POD converted into a PC soundcard + interface. I do it through the dry send, but when I send the DI's to a amp sim it sounds poor and dark; I can't get a good sound with this interface if I don't use POD Farm.

As I have read in this post, to get good DI's I need a good DI Box and "something" (AD converter?) to get the signal into the PC.

I'm thinking of buying a good DI but obviously, if i send the DI Box signal through de Toneport to get the sound into the PC I will lose a lot of quality as happened when I used the UX2 as a all-in-one unit, am I wrong?

The other option is to buy a DI and something to get the sound into the PC. What converter should I buy? I don't know where to plug the DI Box.

Will it be better if I buy a good interface like Apogee Duet or RME Babyface and forget about DI + Converter?

P.D: In a middle-near future (6-12 months), I will be buying an Axe FX; should I forget about buying the DI Box? I think I will not need it with the Axe.

Thank you and sorry for my english.
Just noticed:
Test source impedance 600 ohms.
You don't need a DI Box if you have a source with output impedance of 600 ohms just like Bill Gates does not need another thousand of $.

Active pickups: 10000 ohms
Passive pickups: 30000 to 40000 ohms

single emg81: 10000ohms
how to calculate guitar output impendance when TWO pickups are engaged?
Why do we need a mic preamp?

Why don't:

Guitar -> DI ->Converters ???

Thank you for this 3d :):wave:

Yeh get an Apogee Rosetta.

Edit: kidding.

I think people are better off worrying about the quality of electricity, guitar (pickups, wood, strings), room treatment, and of course - Tone from the HANDS.
Tone from the HANDS.
Quite true. Technique and the right amount of force are required for a good tone.

All of you should do a simple experiment: grab your guitars (even if it has old strings like in my example) and record a few palm mutes. For the first take play softly or even as if you're lazy, then play the same thing with a lot of attack. You will be amazed at how much cleaner and articulated the second take will sound... to a degree it's similar to the difference between a cheap DI and a good one.

Here's the example (just some palm mutes, don't expect a song or anything ;) ):

Here's the raw DI