Presidents and what you think about them

I imagine Washington becoming irradiated, and going door to door to every member of congress and killing them with pulsing radioactive blasts from his wooden teeth.

Like I said stop talking shit about me fuckers, this is tha president thread.

And sevag00, it's english not engrish.

So who would you say is the best and worst presidents?

I would say Franklin D. Roosevelt and George Washington were the best.

The worst would be people like James A. Garfield and George W. Bush.
Lets see

Theadore is responsible for the National Parks
Lincoln took care of slavery, but put millions of blacks amounst the homeless in the process, he also had something about beating the savage natives into submission
Franklin Roosevelt then put everyone on welfare, ignored the rising military strenght and aggression of Japan
Kennedy dealt with the Cuban missle crisis but also got us into Vietnam and backed putting a man on the moon, all positive places to spend massive amounts money. If he really fucked Monroe he had shit taste in women, what a fucking ditz.
Nixon beat down the hippies for protesting the war, but eventually got us out of Vietnam. Had some of the best foreign relations and was the only man to take the fall for what has always gone down in Washington.

So yeah, the best presidents are dead ones, when they no longer are entitled to any tax payer bene's.

Sadly people still think the president has something to do with "how the country is run".

If we get a female president we'll have to change things greatly to aviod total chaos once a month. Anything possibly considered offensive from another countries leader could be the beginning of the greatest world war ever.

Its all good, just keep on voting, change is around the corner... I just know it is.