Press Release

CM had some stuff on their web site last year, including Glory of the Empire. I have known about them since then. I did not know they were so unknown, I can't believe I was 5 % I am so proud of myself

Hmmm...Bigger than Strato, man Glenn you are going to give someone a heart attack
Both cool bands! I am not surprised with stratovarius as I thought I saw somewhere that they were planning a September US tour so I put 2 and 2 together with progpower.

I really dig the mp3s of circus maximus:Spin:
Originally Posted by Curufin

dargormudshark said:
What does that mean? :) Or are you really saying something like Glenn Sucks :) Because if you are you will feel the inner wrath of a thousand flames from hell!!!! :grin:
I don't know much German, but I believe ausgezeichnet means Excellent! Which indeed this show clearly is going to be again this year!!! :rock:
DementiaGuitar said:

So I take it Circus Maximus is the unknown band? Or are they known and I'm just out of the loop?

I'm with you. Who the hell are these guys and how did they get a slot?
I just looked at their web site and they don't have a discography section yet.
Perhaps they would fit better in the Pre-Party portion of the event.
Because following've got to be kidding me.
I will check out their MP3, which I'm sure is good considering the others who have given it kudos but I'm still not sure how they fit in????
Although, I'm very excited about finally getting to see Stratovarius perform!!!
Just to clarify, I do schedule slots not just in order of seniority, but to give the schedule balance in terms of prog vs power vs whatever. Manticora got the opening slot because I wanted to kick off the fest with a boot up everyone's ass. Prog bands always do good in the #2 slots (think Dreamscape, Threshold, etc). Both bands were made aware of my decision in advance.

Glenn H.
From what I've heard from CM, I'm sure they'll hold their own no matter who they're following. Waiting the cd release with much anticipation.
Ahhh I was also wondering why Manticora is opening and not Circus, but that schedule balancing makes a lot of sense now that you mention it.

And while Eboles is on the topic of the Pre-Party, I've gotta ask (please excuse me everyone, I'm a ProgPower newbie here)... when and exactly what is the Pre-Party?