No, most people had no clue Saddam was involved in 9/11. Get your facts straight. What, did you poll Americans? That's the first I've heard about it. Show me where you get this arbitrary "most Americans" bullshit please
Your own Government did it's utmost to link Saddam to 9/11 pal.......I will find the poll I mentioned, and post it in due course.
Did I mention anything about the deficeit? Thanks for putting words in to my mouth, you fucking brain donor. Most of the out of work people that I know HAVE been getting jobs and ARE getting back into the job market.
Well you wouldn't mention the RECORD deficit would you?? Of course you wouldn't. But yeah, I'm sure that despite all the oinfo in the seven or eight links I posted, plus a deficit that will run into Trillions in a few years, everything is hunky dory.
So you're a fucking Swami too?

How do you know that they don't exist? I certainly haven't seen any myself, yet I don't doubt they might still be there. I want to see proof, the fact that they haven't been found doesn't mean shit
. Well Rumsfeld said they knew where they were pal. They were a 'direct and imminent' threat......and yet the 'Iraqi survey group' led by Bush's pal David Kay, who have had the run of the country for 4 months now, are postponing their so-called report - perhaps indefinitely. Also Blix and his team found fuck all - about what you'd find between Bush's ears......still......"Feels good" eh?
If you are one of the morons who actually believed Iraq could threaten the US with any weapons, there's no point debating the phantom WMD's with you.
Ah, and you excuse Clinton's sending crusie missles to Iraq and Afghanistan on a regular basis, as well as carpet bombing Yugoslavia to be okay
? Not particularly, no. At least that action wasn't taken unilaterally, whilst sidelining the UN, labelling it 'irrelevant', and saying 'fuck you' to any countries who dodn't want to support it.......unlike BUsh, who did all those things, and now has the gall to ask the UN for help.......
Gee you're a fucking mindless liberal. Why don't you get a mind of your own and think for yourself.
Oh now, that really hurts. Follow your own advice, you fucking drip. BUSH LIED. BLAIR LIED HOWARD LIED. YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!!
We are poles apart on this.....I don't see a need to continue arguing with someone who, in the face of an avalanche of evidence to the contrary, still insists that he is somehow right........sounds a bit like BUsh himself, actually.