Profire 2626 & Reamp V.2 box, why is it squealing?


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Hey dudes,

I finally got a Cuniberti Reamp V.2 :kickass:

I have it all hooked up, got the DIs working through it, but when I turn the volume up on the amp to justttt crack it open, it has a squeal to it. Not quite a guitar feedback squeal but a constant tone and a hollow, almost "blowing through a straw" sound lol.

Am I doing something wrong?

I have it hooked up to output 5 of the Profire, outputs 5 and 6 assigned to mixer out in the 2626 routing software.

What gives?

I have it in a regular audio track. The DI plays through the amp, but with the super annoying squeal as an overtone. :lol:

I'm a newb at this, so it's possible that it's something really simple.

Also, I've noticed that I need to turn the gain up on my amp significantly to match the appropriate tone. Usually I'm quite happy with my passive pickups with the gain on 4. I'm using Jeff's Rose of Sharyn DIs. Amp is a Soldano Avenger.


Yep, tried flipping the switch and playing with the dials. Switch seems to make no difference, but if the dial is too low the tone is super weak.

I'm pretty sure all of the line outputs on the 2626 are balanced.

For cable I'm using a Mogami 2549 with Neutrik jacks. Balance cable as well! For the other cable I'm using a guitar cable. Could this be it?

Actually, come to think of it, The exact same thing happened me if I cranked the gain (or the mid or treble I think) I just made sure I didn't turn the gain up too much. I was using a 2626 too, but a home made re amp box ...
Actually, come to think of it, The exact same thing happened me if I cranked the gain (or the mid or treble I think) I just made sure I didn't turn the gain up too much. I was using a 2626 too, but a home made re amp box ...

Yeah, but that doesn't make sense, eh? I'm not able to use too much gain on my amp, what the balls?

the other cable is fine to be just a standard guitar cable, as long as theres nothing else blending into your track, have you tried on a completely blank PT session? its the external routing via the cuemix that could be faultering, almost sounds like a small feedback loop going on :s
the other cable is fine to be just a standard guitar cable, as long as theres nothing else blending into your track, have you tried on a completely blank PT session? its the external routing via the cuemix that could be faultering, almost sounds like a small feedback loop going on :s

Yeah, blank pro tools slate for sure. One track, set to output 5. It could be the routing matrix since there are plenty of options there.

Tried turning the gain down on the amp and it only will not squeal on 1 lol!

What a horrible sound, it's making my tinnitus go crazy!

deffo sounds like a cuemix issue (external software routing matrix) that could be the problem. is it all directs your dealing with? not through a patch bay? as i had similar squeeling when i plugged my guitar cord into the patchbay then into my interface, don't know if it was going from unbalanced to balanced or something with the patchbay, but it did similar to what you are describing, but in guitar amp sims, as soon as i connected my guitar direct it worked fine.

Like i said, i run the line out of my 002 (balanced line out) to the reamp box, then from the reamp box to the guitar amp (TS9) with no squeel.

Ill usually have the reamp unit set between 7 and 9 depending on the output from the DAW (DI's max peaking around -4 or -2dB)
deffo sounds like a cuemix issue (external software routing matrix) that could be the problem. is it all directs your dealing with? not through a patch bay? as i had similar squeeling when i plugged my guitar cord into the patchbay then into my interface, don't know if it was going from unbalanced to balanced or something with the patchbay, but it did similar to what you are describing, but in guitar amp sims, as soon as i connected my guitar direct it worked fine.

Like i said, i run the line out of my 002 (balanced line out) to the reamp box, then from the reamp box to the guitar amp (TS9) with no squeel.

Ill usually have the reamp unit set between 7 and 9 depending on the output from the DAW (DI's max peaking around -4 or -2dB)

Yep, no patch bay. Directly out from the 2626 --> Reamp --> amp!

Even without the DI playing, if I turn up the amp volume it happens!

hmmm, im all out, apart from cuemix (routing software causing some form of feedback) and some issue with your profires PSU/the outlet you're plugging it in to.

Yeah, it's definitely something with the interface. I guess I'll try the other outputs and attempt to locate the problem, but I've used outputs 5 and 6 before for monitor outs and it works fine.

hmmm, wish I could help here. In my case I was able to get up to about 5 or 6 gainwise on a JSX before the squeeling started. Maybe try a different output on the profire, although that will hardly solve it, sorry I can't be of any help
give me a screenshot of your Mixer, Router and Settings page of the Profire control panel.
start with -
Routing page:
Analog OUT 5/6 = Software Return 5/6

The routing of this interface doesn't work like most, you have to tell it what to do.