Profire 2626 & Reamp V.2 box, why is it squealing?

give me a screenshot of your Mixer, Router and Settings page of the Profire control panel.
start with -
Routing page:
Analog OUT 5/6 = Software Return 5/6

The routing of this interface doesn't work like most, you have to tell it what to do.

Thanks for the are the screen shots with your suggestion:



Your monitors should be on 7/8. Out 7/8 should be set to mixer out. Enable master volume knob for 7/8 and disable for 1/2.

And we should have a look at the mixer page anyhow.

Also get an external firewire drive so you're not always recording to your desktop.
Well you could have monitors in outputs 1+2 and use 3 to re-amp, but yeah, definitely set the knob to control only the pair! (a pretty common issue experienced by 2626 users trying to re-amp)
It's not because your monitoring the signal being recorded therefore you not only sending the DI but also what the mic is picking up causing the mix to divide by 0 affecting the space time continuim.
I have it hooked up to output 5 of the Profire, outputs 5 and 6 assigned to mixer out in the 2626 routing software.

This sounds weird, I think they're supposed to go "straight" out of the Profire instead of through the mixer out, so the master fader etc. don't affect the volume. I don't remember if you could switch the outputs between -10 and +4, but that could be it too.

Haven't had any problems with reamping using my Profire 2626 and Redeye in any case. I do get a hum if I use the ground lift on the Redeye at home though, whereas at school it's the other way around.
Thanks gents. It's quite possible that I had the mixer out assigned to more than one pair of outputs. Unfortunately I'll have to wait til after work to try again.

Marcus, wouldn't a ground loop cause more of a hum than the sound I'm describing?

It's quite a long shot, but I had this problem yesterday when I tried reamping with RME Multiface and Radial X-Amp... I got this really weak signal and I got a lot of squealing... The problem was solved more easy than you would've thought... The balanced cable was somehow slightly let loose and wasn't completely in the output jack of the interface. So check if you can push the connectors in more.
It's quite a long shot, but I had this problem yesterday when I tried reamping with RME Multiface and Radial X-Amp... I got this really weak signal and I got a lot of squealing... The problem was solved more easy than you would've thought... The balanced cable was somehow slightly let loose and wasn't completely in the output jack of the interface. So check if you can push the connectors in more.

Ey man,

I tried this yesterday and they were in there good and snug, but it's possible they slipped out. I can't tell you how many times this used to happen to me live while setting up.

"No sound! How do get sound!?" Guitar cables not all the way in my JMP-1 preamp. :)

Also, I was getting pretty manic yesterday while trying to eliminate the sound, so I'll start with a clean slate tonight and see if I can solve the problem.

Excellent news, I must check this too so on mine, I cant reamp for a good while though, when you say you had 2 sets of outputs sending to the mixer out what exactly do you mean?
Excellent news, I must check this too so on mine, I cant reamp for a good while though, when you say you had 2 sets of outputs sending to the mixer out what exactly do you mean?

Well, I'm not *quite* positive that's what it was, but I'm pretty damn sure I had "mixer out" selected for outputs 1/2 and for outputs 5/6 rather than SW return 5/6 selected. That seemed to fix it up (switching to SW return 5/6 or whatever corresponding output was being used by my reamp box cable).

Well, I'm not *quite* positive that's what it was, but I'm pretty damn sure I had "mixer out" selected for outputs 1/2 and for outputs 5/6 rather than SW return 5/6 selected. That seemed to fix it up (switching to SW return 5/6 or whatever corresponding output was being used by my reamp box cable).


Yeah when you had Outputs 5/6 set to Mixer Out, what was happening was that the mic'd signal was being monitored directly through the software mixer and thus sent BACK through the reamp box in an infinite loop of death. Bad scene overall :erk: Definitely want the reamp outputs to be sending JUST what's happening in the DAW, no direct monitored bullshit.

Direct monitoring is a pain in the ass anyways and always a bitch to set levels, just monitor through the DAW, fuggit.
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