ProgPower IX

We're pretty much in the same boat, about the only thing that will make me change my mind on the show is if Jon Oliva tours the US. After a good run I'm honestly burned out on progpower, the experience just wasn't the same the last time I was there as the previous years.

I thought that I heard somewhere that Jon Oliva/Circle II Circle/Manticora were touring this year?
We're pretty much in the same boat, about the only thing that will make me change my mind on the show is if Jon Oliva tours the US. After a good run I'm honestly burned out on progpower, the experience just wasn't the same the last time I was there as the previous years.

Actually, I have heard recently that a tour has been rumored. Although, this isn't the first time, and probably not the last time. And FYI...CIIC was mentioned as well in the mix. ;)
Ha!! I didn't mean it like that.....

I mean, it sounds like Rob knows what band is trying to get on the bill. I am assuming he is not saying the band name, since it might be his.
Just posted on the PPUSA forum:

"I have just recieved notification that Serenity have been forced to cancel their performance due to reasons beyond their control. I will have no further comment on the situation other to say that those wishing to see the band in the future should probably book a flight to Europe.


I obviously have a list of bands that have expressed interest in performing on file. I also have a list of bands that have impressed me since I made the roster decision many months ago. I could tap a replacement within 24 hrs. However, I have decided to just open it wide open and see what happens. Let's have some fun and get the fans involved as well.

So do you know any bands that want the opening slot & the chance to elevate their career? This is your chance to tell every band you know that is willing to take the opening slot by the balls and run with it.

Have them (band member or manager only) email me at and ONLY at with a link to their website/myspace page . They will recieve an automatic reply stating that we recieved their email and appreciate their interest in the festival. Due to the large volume of emails that I anticipate, I will not respond to each email personally. There is no deadline or firm announcment date. I will simply name the band when I find the one that kicks my ass and agrees to terms. Please remember that this is an OPENING SLOT and probably geared towards newer bands that are hungry as opposed to veterans that expect certain requirements to be met.

I will not accept emails from fans on behalf of bands. I will not accept emails at any address other than the one listed above.

Get busy folks and get the word out.
