ProgPower USA X: Official DVD


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I'm proud to announce that for the first time in festival history, all bands from both the festival and showcase will be participating in the dvd shoot.

All 15 bands will contribute 1-2 tracks (pending time length) to the final release.

Lucid Lounge Studios will be taking pre-orders at the festival and then also post the information online after the show. I do not have any specifics at this moment and will post them as I get them.
This is awesome news - I love the two DVD souvenirs I have already and having all bands participate is quite the coup! Thanks, Glenn!
Another example of why this is the premier festival in the US or world for that matter. Awesome announcement Glenn
Nice! Another year of video memories. Unfortunately, this also means another year of people bitching about the bright lights and the boom obstructing their view. :lol:
Excellent news. Dunno if it'll be in my budget to pre-order at the festival, but I'll definitely be placing a pre-order online once I have the funds.
Nice! Another year of video memories. Unfortunately, this also means another year of people bitching about the bright lights and the boom obstructing their view. :lol:

I sure as hell won't be complaining about brighter lights. Easier to snap some photos lol! My big gripe is Elvenking was here LAST year. ;)
excellent news. I've purchased the DVD every year that I've attended and a DVD has been made available. I'll be doing the same this year. I'll gladly tolerate whatever equipment is necessary to make this happen.
Don't forget all the endless questions and quibbling about how long it takes to get them :) Something that Glenn continuously explains each time it comes up - but still, people will vent - - me i am just happy to get a video reminder of the fest - some of those nights have been pretty hazy in my memory :)