ProgPower USA X Picture Thread

Straight out of the cam. Sometimes a minor curve tweak to pop the midtones depending in lighting conditions (though I'm developing hopefully a custom profile for that), resize and done.

Different workflows for print or web.

Capture NX2 rather sucks for most things, but its the best RAW converter going. That's the key, I'm convinced of it.

seriously, that shit is right out of the camera? Fuck you. :lol: I pretty much have to PP all of my photos. *sigh*. Good eye, and you guys definitely make a strong case for Nikon.

Also, awesome pictures Dave! Nice job for what you had!

5 more shots of mindflow and i'm DONE.
@ Nailz - HAHA ;-).

I really don't get into the brand religion much, both systems are equally capable. I grew up in film on the Nikon System so went that route with my first DLSR (D70) about .... 5-6 years ago? Shot that until mid last year. Seemed Nikon was never going to move to CMOS and play in the high ISO game. Last year I bought a full 40D system. Unpacked it, turned it on. Packed it up, sent it back. Just didn't feel right in my hands. Nikon DLSR's still feel like film bodies, with alot of external doo-dad controls, etc. The D300 and D3 were announced. The D3 was out of reach - though I traded its product literature for my Playboy subscription. Went D300. Exceptional camera. D700 was announced and I bit. It just fits like butter and I can alter all main controls on the fly, in the dark, externally, and tailor it to my shooting needs. The same can be said by Canon pro's re: the xxD line, XD, line, RebelXline, and the xDMarkxx whatever line. Though both systems feel very, very differently in the hands with very, very different interfaces into the OS. I do believe Nikon's AF system to be superior as reported from pro's who use both systems, but I can't offer personal experience there.

Straight out of the cam

Allen exaggerates: he uses Nikon proprietary software which obeys in-camera image settings for raw processing, and has some other related advantages (skin tones, for one.) I have to post-process my shots (from an identical camera!) heavily in Lightroom to achieve a similar "look."

Not to subtract anything from his mad skillz, pre- during- and post.
I got the d700 too the day before Progpower and I was ammmmmmmmmmmazingly pleased with the results. I shot half the show in 1600 and the other half in 3200 and I didn't need noise reduction for either. Although I shot in JPG perhaps that's why I didn't get as vivid photos. I couldn't shoot in raw due to limited space :-\ but I wasn't going to tweak them much anyway, it was more for my personal enjoyment.

And what is this Nikon proprietary software? Is that the Capture NX2? I love that thing although I only know how to use like 5% of it :)
Do you think my lens could have anything to do with it? Would I get much better results switching to the Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8? Right now I am using the cheap version-- Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 and I notice that the lens is like half the size of the Nikkor version. Then that leads me to upgrading my Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 to the Nikkor VR version? Halp!!
And what is this Nikon proprietary software? Is that the Capture NX2?


Do you think my lens could have anything to do with it?


Would I get much better results switching to the Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8?

Yes - but mainly for the way faster autofocus.

You should be able to make your well-exposed JPGs "pop" just by tweaking the black point and using the curves tool of NX2. Raw would give you additional useful benefits, like hue/saturation/luminance for individual colors.

We should take the rest of the geekspeak to the lounge (feel free to revive the old thread.)
Dave, responded to you in the other thread, (necroposted!)

That said, I have completed my Mindflow set and released them to the band! Take a look!

This is a link to the entire set, I'm just going to post 5 I liked the most.





Having the proper lens does help. I'm probably going to buy the lens that Nailz was using (I think a 24-70mm pro lens) for my Canon. It costs $1000 so I may need to wait until next year to get it.

Unless you are making a profit with your photography, why do you feel that such a lens is necessary? You'll see vast improvements more with shot selection, post processing, and increasing general camera skills/knoweldge, than shelling out $$ to get a new lens. You might be happier, and get better/faster results, if you used that money to take a class or two.

I realize some people like to invest a lot in their hobbies (like musicians, cyclists, etc.) but sometimes a step back is important (especially if that's a lot of money for you).
Oh man Allen and Esa I bow to your genius!!! I am still editing my photos and only got the Pagan's Mind and Future's End ones done. Didnt help I was on the road with PM for 5 days and now have the PP Its hard to sit here for hours editing. But OMG your photos are AMAZING!!! I need to learn some shit from you guys!!!:notworthy
Keep up the GREAT work!!!:rock:
Oh wow, those shots are amazing ^^^^

Just got the photos back from my dinky disposable camera, most of them turned out grainy or with distorted colors... a couple turned out real good... specially Ralph and Caleb comparing biceps :heh: I will be posting momentarily
Ok... here we go, Ralph and Caleb comparing biceps... priceless photo-op!


Andy B and Kittybeast


Andy B and Mloanna (Marvina)

Myself and Torsten from Brainstorm


Kittybeast and Matt Sinner


Me, Kittybeast and Mloanna


Gawd my hair looks like shite! I blame Brainstorm for making me sweat! :rock: