Men at work, part 2 (featuring nailz)
It feels good to be processing Concert pics again. My portrait skills are just not up to par yet.
Digging into CAGE! YES. This is the 5th shot I took of the concert. I am convinced I am going to get 20-25 good shots of Cage if this is any indication.
(Lesson learned, as a general aside, 1/100 does not cut it for Concert shots. I swapped between this and 1/125 on the night. While I like some of the motion 1/100 catches, >=1/125 freezes everything a lot better. )
Yup. I figured that out as time went on.... I'll see if I can get some posted on here.... soon... I promise!![]()
Well, I never went below 1/100, so pictures like the Par Sundstom one I have with the hands blurred are about as bad as It got, still.. Hurry up with those pictures.
Allan: HAHAHAHHA on that one with Andy's expression.. <:O ... classic