ProgPower USA X Picture Thread

Mloanna looking adorable as she chats!


Me and Andy B. (what a goofy face! Mine that is)


Me and Drew (again, my hair in awful state! :cry:)

Kittybeast and Ralph


Mloanna and Ralph


Kittybeast and Primal Fear


And I think that pretty much does it for the most decent pics taken by crappy disposable camera
OMGosh, I don't think I can share the group PF w/ my husband.. I can hear it now....why is that guys hand on your boob? ha ha ha ha was such fun...hands on pecs, hands on boobs, hands on packages (fyi...Ralf and his own package LOL Thank you Pabla.

Might I suggest in the future KODAK disposables...I've never been partial to the fuji ones. Thank you for taking so many great pics when I ran out of film. love you devilwoman!
It feels good to be processing Concert pics again. My portrait skills are just not up to par yet.

Digging into CAGE! YES. This is the 5th shot I took of the concert. I am convinced I am going to get 20-25 good shots of Cage if this is any indication.

It feels good to be processing Concert pics again. My portrait skills are just not up to par yet.

Digging into CAGE! YES. This is the 5th shot I took of the concert. I am convinced I am going to get 20-25 good shots of Cage if this is any indication.


Great shot of Sean!:rock::kickass:
I'm not a fan of Pagan's Mind by any stretch, but I do kinda wish I would've stayed around for Pictures of them, just for their faces. LOL.

On to business: Sean Peck and Michael Giordano of Cage. Working on them now. (Lesson learned, as a general aside, 1/100 does not cut it for Concert shots. I swapped between this and 1/125 on the night. While I like some of the motion 1/100 catches, >=1/125 freezes everything a lot better. )

(Lesson learned, as a general aside, 1/100 does not cut it for Concert shots. I swapped between this and 1/125 on the night. While I like some of the motion 1/100 catches, >=1/125 freezes everything a lot better. )

Yup. I figured that out as time went on. Many of my shots were... well.. shot.. because I shot with too slow of a shutter speed. Too much motion and most of the pictures were blurry beyond belief. :erk: But I did manage to get some good shots nonetheless. I'll see if I can get some posted on here.... soon... I promise! :lol:
Yup. I figured that out as time went on.... I'll see if I can get some posted on here.... soon... I promise! :lol:

Well, I never went below 1/100, so pictures like the Par Sundstom one I have with the hands blurred are about as bad as It got, still.. Hurry up with those pictures.

Allan: HAHAHAHHA on that one with Andy's expression.. <:O ... classic
Great shots Nailz. I want to see more!

Re: shutter speeds: The rule of thumb is to select a shutter speed of at least the the lens&#8217; focal length to avoid blurring due to camera shake. To keep things simple and in fast paced concert photography, I try to hold a shutter around 1/200 ( the reciprocal of my longest lens ) unless intentionally slower due to lighting conditions and/or movement effect. If you throw flash into the mix it largely doesn't matter as the flash will stop the action and it becomes a game of balancing ambient and flash ... but I on only rare occasion will use flash in concert photography.
