Congratulations on the great review for your photography, Allen!
We won't tell them that you had better odds than they thought by having more time than just the first 3 songs to shoot though.

Not that that makes capturing "that moment" they were talking too much easier though when you've got performers as active and as excited as the ones at PP. Your photography is awesome, no doubt!
This made me laugh not only because they called Pig Destroyer Pig Vomit, but because they also (kinda) called them black metal. LOL. (Not to mention I always laugh at the mention of Pig Destroyer 'cause I know their "noises and samples" button pusher and even he's admitted to the band being a total joke.) All of their metal references kinda cracked me up (like the Stryper one just because the guy was wearing black with a little yellow), not that they were funny jokes, but just that it was so obvious that they didn't know much about metal music.