Progressive Thrash

Apart from seconding the suggestions of Coroner, Mekong Delta, Watchtower and Anacrusis, I'd like to add:

Sieges Even - "Life Cycle" (in the vein of Watchtower's "Control And Resistance", their follow-ups are also progressive, but can't be considered thrash anymore)
Hexenhaus (not sure if their debut "A Tribute To Insanity", which is still my favourite, is too straight to be considered progressive, but "The Edge of Eternity" and "Dejavoodoo" definitely are)
Drifter - "Reality Turns To Dust"

Maybe also:
Hades - "Resisting Success"
I just said more or less exactly that.
Sorry, I hit reply without reading the next page.

That tends to be the case.
You could say similar things about many other bands. I dislike the notion that someone particularly liking a certain band makes them 'fanboys' and that 'they can't appreciate other stuff', it's an ignorant way to try to lump a group of people together just because you might not like a certain band as much as they do.
They are awesome. They are also not progressive thrash.

Perhaps, but there are a lot of epics on the first four, well, maybe not the first, and epics are a common part of prog. While they may not be progressive thrash, there are some progressive influences in their early music.
Aortic Regurgitation

I thought that you were trolling and necro'd this thread to namedrop some crappy goregrind band, but this is surprisingly good. The recording quality is really rough and sounds like a late 80's rehearsal, but the riffs are actually quite good, and the death metal vocals are old-school enough to not take away from the blatant thrashiness of the songs. Reminds me of Ulysses Siren a bit; not really progressive but very respectable riffcrafting abilities.

EDIT: And I would never guess that they were female-fronted and from Hong Kong.