Promote Opeth


Jan 4, 2006
Have you ever tried to promote opeth with your friends being serious and they just laugh it off. It's pissing me off because all my mates laugh it off n treat it as a joke cus of the death vox. So fukn annoying!
course not. was that a rhetorical question? nah its just id like to play sum of their music wid ppl but they say the musics a joke
Thorg said:
course not. was that a rhetorical question? nah its just id like to play sum of their music wid ppl but they say the musics a joke
To quote Opeth, "You are everything, they are nothiiiing", or they need to be warmed up to the mighty Opeth, cheers
I got quite a few of my friends into metal, and most of them followed me through the Opeth phase, so it's never really been too hard. Obviously wouldn't try to push Opeth onto those who are top 40 fans or anything.
Anytime my friends come over I always throw on Lamentations just before they show up. They're like, "man you're ALWAYS watching this, it MUST be good". Haha. I love subtle brain washing like that. I got a few people into them that way because they liked the stuff from Damnation, and the more they watched they were like "the heavy vocals aren't so bad really."
Moonlapse said:
wouldn't try to push Opeth onto those who are top 40 fans or anything.
Oh, you can win with them too. It just takes persistence. I promote all my favorite bands to my friends, and usually they get into them too because of me. Sometimes it takes some insistence and of course repeat listens
the key is to make them question themselves about it...take the closeminded approach of pounding it into their minds that if they are even the slightest open minded and have any taste in music whatsoever, they WILL like opeth.
i created a paper fanzine called advent 'zine.
i'm actually working on the 2nd number, it's 100% written in italian language.
want infos? contact me...
Kenneth R. said:
Oh, you can win with them too. It just takes persistence. I promote all my favorite bands to my friends, and usually they get into them too because of me. Sometimes it takes some insistence and of course repeat listens

people like you piss me off
Yes, I've promoted them by playing their music all the time. At home, at work, in my car & anywhere else I can access or play their music.
i used to care about what music my friends listened to and then i realized that trying to push stuff on people that arent interested is a worthless exercise. if they're interested let them come to you about it, and certainly dont be any more proactive than saying "hey check this cd out". if you get pissed off about their taste in music or try to force your taste on them youre pretty much a faggot, there are more important things in a friend than their taste in music. once i realized that i pretty much stopped caring what my friends lsiten to :)

of course this maturation, for me at least, also resulted in me not really enjoying bands for posturing pseudointellectuals - such as opeth, so i dont know how prevalent such an attitude will be here
Spectacular Views said:
dont be any more proactive than saying "hey check this cd out".
yes... this is what i do.

but then, you're a hypocrite, because you come here despite your professed disinterest in Opeth & metal in general, pushing your indie love-affair on the people who post on UM, who may or may not listen to more than metal. Essentially you do care what we listen to or you wouldn't have argued for pages about that stupid band you like, or post an 'appreciation' thread for them in GMD. so yes, take your own advice :Spin:
i really dont know why people think opeth should be the ice breaker for non metal fans. the songs are challenging in themselves more times than not, let alone the death vocals, unconventional melodies and meandering arrangements etc. Youd think more people would try metallica or in flames or stratovarius or something more simple and poppy like that. :ill:
I think people say it, because it was groundbreaking for them (never heard anything like it, sure they dont like it straight away, but after a while, they do). Plus usually with my friends il drag them to see opeth and their perspective on music changes instantly, as did mine. Its got to happen sometime.
And, while promoting, mention it's Swedish. People get intrested when they here Sweden in it, because Sweden is awsome