PT Update.

Mar 2, 2004
For all you Porcupine Tree fans out there,you'll be happy to know (if you don't already that is) that the guys are back in the studio recording a new album. Set to finish recording in June with a release date sometime in September. Two 10 min tracks have already been finalised, them being 'Deadwing' and 'Arriving somewhere but not here'.
Also, Mr Akerfeldt has been confirmed as a special guest on the album!
Can't wait! said:
Porcupine Tree are now in the studio working on their next full length album, their second for Lava Records and Warner Music worldwide.

The as-yet untitled album will have everything from long pieces such as the 10 minute plus "Arriving Somewhere But Not Here," to shorter songs such as "Shallow" that will hopefully continue the postive foundation that "Blackest Eyes" created for the band at radio. As with previous PT albums, there will be a diversity of styles and dynamics but overall the direction is more rock than metal this time. Sessions are scheduled to finish by early June, with a worldwide release date planned for September (not the staggered release that In Absentia received). A major tour will follow.

Steven wrote much of material on his own as usual, but for the first time several songs were also written during collective band writing sessions. Most of the songs are lyrically based on a movie script that SW wrote with Mike Bennion that has been described as a "surreal ghost story."

Nothing about Mikael there. Good thing they've moving away from metal.

Ok now here's something about Mikael. Found it a little further down after clicking the 'Transmission' link that leads to their newsletter or something similar. said:
There will also be some special guests appearing on the record, including Mikael Akerfeldt of Opeth, and Adrian Belew of King Crimson. More news on other guest contributors next time.
As a joke, sure.

But no. I'm really glad they're moving away from the In Absentia style. It was good for one album, but at least Wilson isn't taking too much influences.
Cool! Absentia was a pretty cool album. I may look into the new one, don't care if it is rock or metal, although the dynamics on the last one was real cool. Steven obviously had a great time with Opeth before he wrote that album.
My only complaint about In Absentia was the fact that none of the songs have anything to do with each other. I don't think the album flowed much at all. The songs are amazing individually, though. A major tour to follow... Nice...
I liked the fact that In Absentia was veering into the direction of metal, since I'm not a big fan of their usual style. I don't really know what to make of this news, since I've never really been a follower, but I suppose it means I won't be listening to them as much.

You've gotta admit though, it would be hella funny if Mike rips some death vocals on there.
KennonKun said:
My only complaint about In Absentia was the fact that none of the songs have anything to do with each other.

You just nailed, i think, exactly what bothered me about In Absentia that I could never quite put my finger on. No flow. That, I think, is where PT's albums failed for me. I like putting an individual song or two of theirs on if i make a compilation, but I can't listen to one of their albums the whole way through like I can Katatonia or Opeth's.
Let me get this straight, your complaint about PT is that none of the songs on In Absentia had anything to do with eachother.....and YOURE AN OPETH FAN?!?! like 95% of opeth songs have ANYTHING to do with eachother except lyrically depending on the album. Not to mention, Steven's main goal in creating an album (and i quote, im not bullshitting) "to create an album that is a single bold statement...not a collection of seperate songs".

Whatever, it doesnt really matter, but i just had to express my thoughts on this considering in absentia is 100 times better than any of the last 3 opeth releases.