Put Scott in his place and don't buy The Damned Things!

I have a better idea. How about you don't come on here and tell people what to do and better still.... just fuck off and let people decide what they want to do for themselves.
I am no big fan of The Damned Things, but I doubt that every user on this entire forum not buying the album would hinder their sales at all.
Save your $!

LOL. I agree that Scott is a little bitch forming a band with emo fags like Fallout Boy. He could have gone and done a real project like SOD if he wanted to do a side project instead of focusing on Anthrax. I think its disgusting. Scott has been very vocal over the years about pussy bands and what is heavy or not heavy. This band does nothing but give him a bad reputation as a metal icon. But it does explain a lot as to why his guitar playing style has changed dramatically since the POT album. I am just glad he chose to use this Damned Things band to get the pussy as shit out of his system and not use it for an Anthrax album

But what ever if people want to buy it they can go buy it. It's not going to make or break the band if anyone on here doesn't buy it.

Let's just hope for some sick reason the emo crowd doesn't latch on and make them big. Then you can say goodbye to Anthrax and hello to The Damned Things
Good idea! Then, everyone on the forum buy the new Anthrax album. That'll make them all millionaires and Anthrax will be great again!

Won't it? There are more than ten people on this forum, right?
I wish Scott would stifle his creative interests to satisfy the people he owes on this board. Fucker.
I wish people on this board would stop thinking that Scott and Charlie owe us anything. They provide a service to us (music), if we are not happy with that service, go somewhere else (other bands).

This idea that our favorite bands somehow "owe" us something, is stupid.
I wish people on this board would stop thinking that Scott and Charlie owe us anything. They provide a service to us (music), if we are not happy with that service, go somewhere else (other bands).

This idea that our favorite bands somehow "owe" us something, is stupid.

I really don't think Scott really thinks Anthrax fans, especially the Thrash era Anthrax fans would like The Damned Things. If he does he is crazy.

The fact is that this is a forum for Anthrax and not The Damned Things. The only reason anyone on this forum would even give this type of music a chance is because of Scott.

It is okay for fans to be critical of what Scott does musically. Especially if you have purchased his music, concert tickets, t-shirts over the years. Anyone who has given him $$$ has paid for him to do what he does. So I do believe any paying customer no matter what business you are in has the right to express disappointment in what ever product or service they spent their money on.

In this case I don't think The Damned Things really is the main issue. The issue I have is that The Damned Things album has taken away from the Anthrax album progress. And The Damned Things proves that Scott certainly got sick of playing Thrash Metal. It is almost embarrassing to see him play songs with fallout boy and be into it. But I am very glad he used The Damned Things instead of Anthrax to get his Emo songs out of his system. If he would have only done that after POT Anthrax could have possibly continued on as a Thrash band. Who knows.

None the less, people are always going to be critical of everything. You can't stop it. And forums like this are an outlet to express these things. If there was no forum people will still think it to themselves or tell it to their friends, it's a freedumb we have in democratic countries.
I agree with you for the most part, its fine and dandy to be critical of the artists you like, its just this whole sense that our favorite bands "owe" us something that gets me. Its not really just this board and Anthrax fans, its the whole mentality of people who think that they are somehow entitled to something because they supported a certain band for so long.

You're not entitled to shit, except your own opinion. Just in the same our favorite bands aren't entitled to shit from us, we don't have to support them just because we always have. With Anthrax I personally stayed on during the Bush years, because I liked the Bush years --- I don't begrudge anyone for not doing so, thats there opinion. (I do get annoyed when certain people keep on persistently bashing my favorite era in the band, ;) but thats a separate issue).

So in the end, yeah I agree people can bitch and complain because an album is late, or ridiculously late, or they don't like the direction their favorite band is taking. Just don't think you are "owed" anything, that shits just stupid.
I agree with you for the most part, its fine and dandy to be critical of the artists you like, its just this whole sense that our favorite bands "owe" us something that gets me. Its not really just this board and Anthrax fans, its the whole mentality of people who think that they are somehow entitled to something because they supported a certain band for so long.

You're not entitled to shit, except your own opinion. Just in the same our favorite bands aren't entitled to shit from us, we don't have to support them just because we always have. With Anthrax I personally stayed on during the Bush years, because I liked the Bush years --- I don't begrudge anyone for not doing so, thats there opinion. (I do get annoyed when certain people keep on persistently bashing my favorite era in the band, ;) but thats a separate issue).

So in the end, yeah I agree people can bitch and complain because an album is late, or ridiculously late, or they don't like the direction their favorite band is taking. Just don't think you are "owed" anything, that shits just stupid.

I am not sure about the 'owed' thing. I can see both sides. If you spend say $100 to go see Iron Maiden play. They advertise the tour as a greatest hits tour and then they only play new songs. I think in that case they owed the fans that paid their money to have those songs played. (not saying Maiden has ever done that just an example).

I think that if you pay a band a lot of your hard earned money you are now a consumer. You have paid for a product. As soon as a band puts their music up for sale they are now a business and not just doing it for a hobby. So I do think it is fair to think that a band owes people certain things. Just how far that term can be taken is what the argument can be.

For instance Metallica had a huge fan base prior to the black album that supported them through thick and thin. That fan base bought their albums, tickets, merchandise etc because they believed in their product and bought into their music and attitude. The fans that gave them all of this money are the ones that got them to the point to where they could afford to go into the studio with Bob Rock and make arguably the biggest sell out album in metal history with the Black Album.

I think the fans were owed a bit of an explanation other than 'fuck everyone we do what we want' or 'we sell out, yeah every arena we play' all of that bs. You invest a lot of money into a band to get them to where they are I think they do owe some of those fans something. To what extent they owe you is again the reason for debate. They could say prior to the release that they were going to change from Thrash metal to a more commercially driven arena type rock/metal sound and then from that point the fans could have decided to buy their product or not. Its a tricky thing
I agree with you for the most part, its fine and dandy to be critical of the artists you like, its just this whole sense that our favorite bands "owe" us something that gets me. Its not really just this board and Anthrax fans, its the whole mentality of people who think that they are somehow entitled to something because they supported a certain band for so long.

You're not entitled to shit, except your own opinion. Just in the same our favorite bands aren't entitled to shit from us, we don't have to support them just because we always have. With Anthrax I personally stayed on during the Bush years, because I liked the Bush years --- I don't begrudge anyone for not doing so, thats there opinion. (I do get annoyed when certain people keep on persistently bashing my favorite era in the band, ;) but thats a separate issue).

So in the end, yeah I agree people can bitch and complain because an album is late, or ridiculously late, or they don't like the direction their favorite band is taking. Just don't think you are "owed" anything, that shits just stupid.

Great post. Seriously, some people on this board act like Scott Ian personally broke into their house, shit in their corn flakes and then had sex with their mum before he left.

It's music people. If you like it, buy it. If you don't, then pass. But stop moaning like $2 hookers, for the love of Christ.