I'll be glad when the Damned Things finish touring or whatever so Scott can get back to his side project.
W000000t ThAtz xxAwesomexx xxoxo <3
Everything is so black and white isn't it?
Ever thought there are other mitigating factors (most likely legal) reasons why they haven't been able to put the new album out? Why they haven't been able to record?
Seems rather obvious to me. Typical of them to obviously not mention anything and from history we know that Anthrax legally & logistically has been a mess left, right and centre.
Could also be a financial issue. The band might be broke!
I am assuming a lot here but that is my basic assumption - there is a major roadblock to the band moving forward and but I doubt it's the The Damn Things.
That's probably paying the bills for Scott's poker habit.
looks like you are pretty familiar with the emo style!
So, Scott back in his place yet or what?
That's true I suppose. And we all know Charlie plays guitar better than Scott so, yeah - WTF DO they need Scott or Rob for? Charlie's leads were better than Robs anyway.
I put on "the foot" sometimes, but mainly because I feel I SHOULD like it, since I'm a big Satch fan. I don't really get the album though, it's just a bit too middle of the road for me. A bit like Satch's solo stuff over recent years.
Hagar I could care less about, not a fan.
Oh yeah, he's got a fine voice. I just don't like all the talking and shit he does, plus his silly lyrics.