Put Scott in his place and don't buy The Damned Things!

If you like Burn My Eyes and hate The Blackening I don't know what to tell you. I am not a huge Machine Head fan. But I like both of those albums and and hate slipknot and papa roach. Machine Head The Blackening is heavy as fuck. Just because there may be a few melodic parts in a song doesn't mean it makes the entire song any less heavy. The riffs on The Blackening are every bit as heavy as Burn My Eyes.

The albums are so different they're like night and day. Both are very good (BME is better), but that's about the only similarity. As a Machine Head fan, I can see why some fans could hate The Blackening. Since when did Machine Head do 2-3 min long guitar solos? That's right, only since The Blackening.
The albums are so different they're like night and day. Both are very good (BME is better), but that's about the only similarity. As a Machine Head fan, I can see why some fans could hate The Blackening. Since when did Machine Head do 2-3 min long guitar solos? That's right, only since The Blackening.

I don't know many Machine Head fans that hated the Blackening. It smokes anything they have done since BME imo. It is not that different. The guitar tones are very similar, it is a bit more aggressive, yet more melodic, has more solos etc. But all in all it is a great Machine Head album and that is all that really matters.

But for anyone to say that The Damned Things is heavier than Machine Head is fucking ridiculous, wouldn't you agree?
I hated the first slipknot album to the tpoint that I didn't even bother with anything else. Then I heard some newer stuff at a friends place. The first record still sounds bad to me but I am a fan.
Funny how you look up lyrics of band you hate. :lol:

Because i wanted to demonstrate what i hate about them. I'm not going around bashing someone without any reason. I might have even liked them if it wasn't for the stupid lyrics. And some lyrics are so ridiculous, it's very entertaining to read them.
I don't know many Machine Head fans that hated the Blackening. It smokes anything they have done since BME imo. It is not that different. The guitar tones are very similar, it is a bit more aggressive, yet more melodic, has more solos etc. But all in all it is a great Machine Head album and that is all that really matters.

But for anyone to say that The Damned Things is heavier than Machine Head is fucking ridiculous, wouldn't you agree?

I know a few, but that's just because they thought that MH changed their style too much compared to their past. I agree that it's a great album, but I'll still rather listen to Burn My Eyes and Through The Ashes Of Empires any day.

Come on man, people are saying that just to get you going, you must see that!:lol:
What was the fucking original topic on? That Damned Maiden? Iron Things?

Fuck it.
My thoughts:

Burn My Eyes: Classic a groove metal masterpiece. Smoked a lot of weed to this album back in the day.

The More Things Change... : They started experimenting with longer songs and a small dash of prog influences here, not as good as BME. Still a great album. I smoked a lot of weed to this album back in the day.

The Burning Red: I actually liked this album a lot when it came out, though I don't know why I stopped smoking weed at this point. The Police cover wasn't actually bad, not metal though. Looking back now over a decade later, I can't believe I liked this.

Supercharger: Pure and utter GARBAGE. I gave up on this band and didn't blame Roadrunner one bit for dropping them (even though it was probably due to label presser that the album sounded the way it did.)

Through the Ashes of Empires: One of the GREATEST METAL ALBUMS OF ALL TIME!!! What a way to follow up Supercharger (though an album of wet fart noises would have been better then Supercharger) The guitar riff at 4:40 into Imperium is fucking awesome, the whole album is a awesome. A Thrash , a metal, a fucking musical masterpiece. Never has a band fallen off the musical landscape creatively so far, only to bounce back so f'n high with this album.

The Blackening: Awesome album I don't like it as much as TTAOE or BME even, but it is in my opinion their third best, or maybe even tied for second best effort. I think they may have tried to hard to possible both out heavy TTOE and maybe even try to out heavy Slayer with this one. And Ill take this of the crap they produced on Supercharger any day, but with TTAOE they sounded like they didn't give a fuck any more, they couldn't drop any farther, so I think they were free to not have any ideas. Since TTAOE put them back on the metal map, I think they tried too hard to maybe try and dominate the metal scene with this one. Still an awesome album though.
My thoughts:

Burn My Eyes: Classic a groove metal masterpiece. Smoked a lot of weed to this album back in the day.

The More Things Change... : They started experimenting with longer songs and a small dash of prog influences here, not as good as BME. Still a great album. I smoked a lot of weed to this album back in the day.

The Burning Red: I actually liked this album a lot when it came out, though I don't know why I stopped smoking weed at this point. The Police cover wasn't actually bad, not metal though. Looking back now over a decade later, I can't believe I liked this.

Supercharger: Pure and utter GARBAGE. I gave up on this band and didn't blame Roadrunner one bit for dropping them (even though it was probably due to label presser that the album sounded the way it did.)

Through the Ashes of Empires: One of the GREATEST METAL ALBUMS OF ALL TIME!!! What a way to follow up Supercharger (though an album of wet fart noises would have been better then Supercharger) The guitar riff at 4:40 into Imperium is fucking awesome, the whole album is a awesome. A Thrash , a metal, a fucking musical masterpiece. Never has a band fallen off the musical landscape creatively so far, only to bounce back so f'n high with this album.

The Blackening: Awesome album I don't like it as much as TTAOE or BME even, but it is in my opinion their third best, or maybe even tied for second best effort. I think they may have tried to hard to possible both out heavy TTOE and maybe even try to out heavy Slayer with this one. And Ill take this of the crap they produced on Supercharger any day, but with TTAOE they sounded like they didn't give a fuck any more, they couldn't drop any farther, so I think they were free to not have any ideas. Since TTAOE put them back on the metal map, I think they tried too hard to maybe try and dominate the metal scene with this one. Still an awesome album though.

Nice review from an obvious Machine Head fan. I like TTAOE as well. Just prefer The Blackening to it. In fact I like TTAEO and The Blackening a bit more than Burn My Eyes. Burn My Eyes is great but some of the songs seem kind of filler to me towards the end. But all in all Machine Head are one of the best metal bands to never get the attention they deserve in the USA. In Europe they are big and well known. In the USA they rarely tour because the shows are so lame and they don't make half the money they would by playing to large crowds in Europe.

I actually was a big Vio-lence fan back in the day. That was some great old school thrash metal. That is why I even bothered buying the Burn My Eyes album. I liked Rob as a guitarist in Vio-lence as was curious to see what his vocals would be like. Then I saw them open for Napalm Death and Obituary and was impressed.

They went the nu-metal route like many bands during that whole Korn/Limp Bizkit era. But luckily they pulled their heads out of their asses and are now back to doing quality metal music no matter what Storm Chaser may say.
The music Scott is making right now is getting more attention than anything he's done in the last 18 years, Fall Out Boy have popular bands they can go back to, Scott will never be satisfied with Anthrax because it's popularity doesn't match his.
"Cut my life into pieces
This is my last resort
Suffocation, no breathing
Don’t give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding"

That's just wrong. Just imagine a Papa Roach concert with thousands of emo kids singing this. Each to his own, but this has crossed a line.

Ha ha ha...Papa Roach. :loco:

I remember them when they were just a local band on the Sacramento 93 or 98 Rock radio station...They played at the local big theater house only to have their gear stolen. :(


I have to say, I dont talk too terribly much about what i listen to anymore here because i know most of you hate it. I enjoy the whole viking, power, symphonic, progressive metal scene.

There I said it. Still enjoy my dose of thrash here and there, still like some Amon Amarth or some of the other shit i've tried to share but I just can't seem to get the desire to listen to anthrax voluntarily anymore. if it comes on great, if not...and usually not. No big deal.

I've bought several cd's - tshirts, even went to a concert. When i was at the concert - AlexStomp you were there too bro :) (I just didn't wander into the pit)...

They provided the service as advertised, they rocked. I dont really give a damn about what Scott does or isn't doing, I kinda vote with my download history, Pandora/Last.FM selections or maybe even stepping out and purchasing a disc/download.

I shoot through a lot of youtube downloads and i think metalheads are some pretty funny folks when they aren't trying to bash something they have no control over. I've learned to let it go a long time ago. Its okay we aren't gonna conquer the world. Just enjoy it for what it is. :Spam:
Guess I'm the only one that likes the album?

Yeah it's not Anthrax, but that's why think people should thank Scott for not trying to put these ideas in Anthrax songs. This way he is happy and so are we. Why bash him for doing something aside Anthrax, which isnt Anthrax, because it ehm.....isn't Anthrax, which would need to make real Anthrax fans happy because he is putting non-Anthrax alike songs on a non-Anhrax album.

Album has nice songs on it, good for in the car when there is a no metal crowd riding along.
My thoughts:

Burn My Eyes: Classic a groove metal masterpiece. Smoked a lot of weed to this album back in the day.

The More Things Change... : They started experimenting with longer songs and a small dash of prog influences here, not as good as BME. Still a great album. I smoked a lot of weed to this album back in the day.

The Burning Red: I actually liked this album a lot when it came out, though I don't know why I stopped smoking weed at this point. The Police cover wasn't actually bad, not metal though. Looking back now over a decade later, I can't believe I liked this.

Supercharger: Pure and utter GARBAGE. I gave up on this band and didn't blame Roadrunner one bit for dropping them (even though it was probably due to label presser that the album sounded the way it did.)

Through the Ashes of Empires: One of the GREATEST METAL ALBUMS OF ALL TIME!!! What a way to follow up Supercharger (though an album of wet fart noises would have been better then Supercharger) The guitar riff at 4:40 into Imperium is fucking awesome, the whole album is a awesome. A Thrash , a metal, a fucking musical masterpiece. Never has a band fallen off the musical landscape creatively so far, only to bounce back so f'n high with this album.

The Blackening: Awesome album I don't like it as much as TTAOE or BME even, but it is in my opinion their third best, or maybe even tied for second best effort. I think they may have tried to hard to possible both out heavy TTOE and maybe even try to out heavy Slayer with this one. And Ill take this of the crap they produced on Supercharger any day, but with TTAOE they sounded like they didn't give a fuck any more, they couldn't drop any farther, so I think they were free to not have any ideas. Since TTAOE put them back on the metal map, I think they tried too hard to maybe try and dominate the metal scene with this one. Still an awesome album though.

That's true Supercharger sucked big balls...BUT I have to say I have this Hellalive album and the Supercharger songs like Bulldozer and American High are pretty enjoyable in the live versions.
How I rejoiced when Machine Head got their act together on TTAOE and got Phil Demmel in the band. As you know I'm not a purist or elitist but the nu-metal shit on The Burning Red and Supercharger was a bad way to fuck up such a good band and I honestly thought they could never recover lost ground.

Back on subject.

I thought The Damned Things video was entertaining and goofy! Like old Maiden or Van Halen videos.
How I rejoiced when Machine Head got their act together on TTAOE and got Phil Demmel in the band. As you know I'm not a purist or elitist but the nu-metal shit on The Burning Red and Supercharger was a bad way to fuck up such a good band and I honestly thought they could never recover lost ground.

Back on subject.

I thought The Damned Things video was entertaining and goofy! Like old Maiden or Van Halen videos.

Here is Phil and Rob at their best =)

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