Put Scott in his place and don't buy The Damned Things!

Great post. Seriously, some people on this board act like Scott Ian personally broke into their house, shit in their corn flakes and then had sex with their mum before he left.

It's music people. If you like it, buy it. If you don't, then pass. But stop moaning like $2 hookers, for the love of Christ.

Great post. Seriously, some people on this board act like Scott Ian personally broke into their house, shit in their corn flakes and then had sex with their mum before he left.

It's music people. If you like it, buy it. If you don't, then pass. But stop moaning like $2 hookers, for the love of Christ.

Exactly. Nobody shit kittens when dime bag did his rebel to rebel hill billy thing. Go figure most people like more than one type of music.

Personally, the dammed things is OK. I listened to it...and haven't had much desire to listen to it past that.
The only reason anyone on this forum would even give this type of music a chance is because of Scott.

Oh yes, because everyone on this forum is a close minded, "trve" metalhead like you. lol. You don't get music at all.

I don't like Fallout Boy either. Now Scott does a project with them, so fuckin' what? It has no effect on your life at all (at most, Anthrax's album will be delayed a few weeks again, but they don't owe you anything), except every time some metal guy does something not "metal", "hard" or "manly" you get angry without reason. But that's all in your head. Go see a psychiatrist.

This is exactly why i started to hate metalheads, although i still like the music. Most of them are close minded, old-fashioned conservatives with sticks up their asses. I got a great tip for you, that will make you a lot happier: Stop being mad about music you don't like, there is nothing to be gained anyway. Nothing wrong with some discussion about how your favorite bands are doing, but this is just childish.

Oh and btw, Ironiclast is very generic, but i like every song. Listened to it on my iPod the other day while is was on the train, and i was really surprised. "Oh, this song is actually good. I bet the rest is boring." - this is what i thought about every song, until i realized i just listened to the last track.
Oh yes, because everyone on this forum is a close minded, "trve" metalhead like you. lol. You don't get music at all.

I don't like Fallout Boy either. Now Scott does a project with them, so fuckin' what? It has no effect on your life at all (at most, Anthrax's album will be delayed a few weeks again,

You just summed it up. This is an Anthrax forum. Most people on here are not into Emo / Alternative / Generic Modern Rock... what ever the fuck you want to call The Damned Things. They are on here because they are Anthrax fans. And saying that Scott doing a project with Fallout boy might delay the Anthrax album certainly effects everyone's lives on here.

It has nothing to do with the style of music. Yes I personally want to throw up seeing members of Anthrax playing with Emo Fags like Fall Out Boy. But more importantly I want a new Anthrax album. I don't want to listen to this garbage I want Anthrax. If he was going to do a project to tie people over it could have at least been S.O.D. or something bad ass.

I am glad you enjoy it. You should give My Chemical Romance a try I hear they are pretty bad ass and might do a tour with The Damned Things!
I think the fans were owed a bit of an explanation other than 'fuck everyone we do what we want' or 'we sell out, yeah every arena we play' all of that bs. You invest a lot of money into a band to get them to where they are I think they do owe some of those fans something. To what extent they owe you is again the reason for debate. They could say prior to the release that they were going to change from Thrash metal to a more commercially driven arena type rock/metal sound and then from that point the fans could have decided to buy their product or not. Its a tricky thing

Yeah, i get the "the fans got them this big"-thingy, but that does not mean they have to continue making the same music over and over again. Music just does not work that way. No one can just mechanically write a great song of a specific genre. You have to feel it. That's what will always differentiate us from every artificial intelligence ever to be made. And people change, evolve. If they'd write "heavy" stuff just because people demand it, it would not feel right. I'd gladly take a great hard rock album like "Load" over a forced metal record like "St. Anger" any day.
Yeah, i get the "the fans got them this big"-thingy, but that does not mean they have to continue making the same music over and over again. Music just does not work that way. No one can just mechanically write a great song of a specific genre. You have to feel it. That's what will always differentiate us from every artificial intelligence ever to be made. And people change, evolve. If they'd write "heavy" stuff just because people demand it, it would not feel right. I'd gladly take a great hard rock album like "Load" over a forced metal record like "St. Anger" any day.

Load, Re-Load, St. Anger all are shit albums I was at Paul Di'anno the other night. In between sets they cranked some And Justice For All songs. Listening to those songs reminded me of how bad ass they used to be, and also lets me know how much of a disgrace they turned into.

There was quite a big difference between Kill Em All, Ride The Lightning, Master of Puppets and AJFA. They were all different but all were heavy and kicked ass. Those weren't the 'same music over and over' they were all different yet still amazing. Once the Black Album came out and the tasted some success they went with it. If you really think it was some natural progression or 'evolving' give me a break. They did it to make $$$$. Anyone that buys into their BS about them "evolving" "growing" etc has been brainwashed.

Just like Anthrax. There was a big difference between all of the Joey era albums, yet they all kicked ass. Once they decided metal wasn't cool anymore they decided to change form Thrash metal to a more hard rock based sound. Do you really think that was just coincidence? Come on.

You can certainly 'evolve' without drastically going a more mainstream direction.

You certainly don't ever hear about bands going softer to heavier and then people claiming they were not evolving.

For instance a band like Machine Head put out the Blackening. That is definitely the best album they have ever done IMO. They certainly grew 'evolved' and were able to put out a stunning album without pussing out like Metallica did.... dead issue though, this debate can go on and on for years and years and there will never be a definitive answer or explanation
If he was going to do a project to tie people over it could have at least been S.O.D. or something bad ass.

See, that's what i don't get, fighting over genres. You only listen to metal, so you want some heavy stuff, okay. But sometimes you sound like you're a 15 year old kid trying very hard to be a man. Like you only listen to metal, because it's "bad ass" and it makes you feel masculine.

Some people like more than one kind of music, that doesn't make them a pussy, it just makes them mature. And Scott is a musician. If you're a musician and like more than one kind of music you also want to play different kinds of music. I believe it's very healthy for Anthrax, Scott doing something different from time to time. Otherwise he'd just get bored, mad and/or crazy if he'd have to play the same stuff every night, over and over again for years.
See, that's what i don't get, fighting over genres. You only listen to metal, so you want some heavy stuff, okay. But sometimes you sound like you're a 15 year old kid trying very hard to be a man. Like you only listen to metal, because it's "bad ass" and it makes you feel masculine.

Some people like more than one kind of music, that doesn't make them a pussy, it just makes them mature. And Scott is a musician. If you're a musician and like more than one kind of music you also want to play different kinds of music. I believe it's very healthy for Anthrax, Scott doing something different from time to time. Otherwise he'd just get bored, mad and/or crazy if he'd have to play the same stuff every night, over and over again for years.

I am into a lot of different styles of music. That is great bands like Metallica are into other forms of music as well. But don't change your bands sound to be something completely different. Just go start another band and leave the integrity of your band alone. Metallica even has metal in their name. Then they go put out hard rock albums it just doesn't make sense except they knew they would cash in on it and they did and good for them. At the end of the day they are millionaires and could give 2 shits what someone like me has to say about them, and I don't blame them. But for me, as an old school Metallica fan I will never accept what they did and will never support them ever again even if they do decide to put out another thrash metal album. They can go buy Armani and cool designer things because of their career. Good for them, bad for old school Metallica fans


I definitely agree with you though on it being healthy for Anthrax to have Scott go get his emo musical needs out by doing a side project.

If he would have done something like that after the POT touring Cycle maybe Anthrax would have remained a Thrash metal band. So I do think it is cool he is using this Damned Things to get out the other emo side of him and not bring it into Anthrax's music.
See, that's what i don't get, fighting over genres. You only listen to metal, so you want some heavy stuff, okay. But sometimes you sound like you're a 15 year old kid trying very hard to be a man. Like you only listen to metal, because it's "bad ass" and it makes you feel masculine.

Some people like more than one kind of music, that doesn't make them a pussy, it just makes them mature. And Scott is a musician. If you're a musician and like more than one kind of music you also want to play different kinds of music. I believe it's very healthy for Anthrax, Scott doing something different from time to time. Otherwise he'd just get bored, mad and/or crazy if he'd have to play the same stuff every night, over and over again for years.
Hell yeah dude, I've been an Anthrax fan since I was 15 but I listen to so much different stuff, Jimmy Buffett, David Gray, but I also like black metal. I very much enjoy the Damned Things record, I don't worry about genres, if it sounds good to me I listen to it. If a band is Satanic though I'm gonna have a hard time hating it.
Ha, Really cute. Two members of Anthrax do something besides playing concerts/recording with Belladonna and some guys already get pissed off.

a) Scott said, instrumentals are done, Joey just needs to put down the vocals. And come on: I guess there's only one guy willing to be with him all that time :rolleyes:

b) The album is no metal, but it's a kinda nice, simple rock album. Some nice hooks in it. So whatever, if that's what they like to do in their time off, so be it. I guess this doesn't delay the new album as much as playing more Anthrax shows would...
Hell yeah dude, I've been an Anthrax fan since I was 15 but I listen to so much different stuff, Jimmy Buffett, David Gray, but I also like black metal. I very much enjoy the Damned Things record, I don't worry about genres, if it sounds good to me I listen to it. If a band is Satanic though I'm gonna have a hard time hating it.

David Gray = Satan.


I'm of the same opinion as you, though. I don't have a clear genre preference. However, there are some types of music that rarely listen to such as rap and country music. I do like TV on the Radio though (who sometimes have a clear rap-influence) and Howling Willie C***t, which is probably the most hilariously offensive c & w record ever made. They've got some some lyrics that cross the line by miles. It's obviously a parody, but the musicianship is fantastic.

There's one song on their album that I always skip though, because the subject matter is just too horrible for me to actually enjoy the song.
The damned things is gay and destroys Scotts street credit! Espeially here in New York. That was some pussy whipped, sell out, poser shit for him to do............GAY!
New topic.....push Scott Ian down if you see him......
For instance a band like Machine Head put out the Blackening. That is definitely the best album they have ever done IMO. They certainly grew 'evolved' and were able to put out a stunning album without pussing out like Metallica did....

:lol: Opinions eh?

I read all the hype about The Blackening and when I finally got it I thought it was as gay as fuck. It sounded like music from Buffy the Vampire Slayer! You think that's their best ever album?
Fuck Machine Head, they only EVER did ONE good album and that was the first one. It's also the only one I'd class as true metal.

So, there you go, Mr Death To All But Metal - your favourite Machine Head album, in my opinion, is a fucking gay pussy wimp out GIRLY MUSIC piece of shit! :lol:
Next time you want to whine about something not being metal enough, stick on that old Machine Head album and join in with Rob Flynn's girly crying.
:lol: Opinions eh?

I read all the hype about The Blackening and when I finally got it I thought it was as gay as fuck. It sounded like music from Buffy the Vampire Slayer! You think that's their best ever album?
Fuck Machine Head, they only EVER did ONE good album and that was the first one. It's also the only one I'd class as true metal.

So, there you go, Mr Death To All But Metal - your favourite Machine Head album, in my opinion, is a fucking gay pussy wimp out GIRLY MUSIC piece of shit! :lol:
Next time you want to whine about something not being metal enough, stick on that old Machine Head album and join in with Rob Flynn's girly crying.

You must be drunk or drugged right now to say such nonsense. I liked Burn My Eyes as well. I saw them play on the tour. But to say the Blackening is pussy girly shit you are an idiot. The Blackening is every bit as heavy as Burn My Eyes. Both are great albums and both are heavy. They did some really lame shit after Burn My Eyes. This album is by far the best one they have done since 1994 and the heaviest. You may want to go re listen to it or question if you even really like the first album as it is not all that drastically different.

Tell me that shit isn't every bit as heavy as anything on Burn My Eyes. Even has some of the same type guitar riffs.

And then go defend yourself to all of these idiots:

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I agree The Blackening is the heaviest MH album up to date. Still, it's boring to listen to the 8 minutes long songs. They probably wanted to record something like "the new Master Of Puppets".
For me The Blackening is great but as others said above the songs are overblown and too long. I remember when they were writing it Robb Flynn continually kept saying that they were trying to emulate Master of Puppets. I do actually think it's generally quite over-rated by the general metal masses, and actually rank it MH's 3rd best after BME and Through the Ashes.