Scott Ian: Anthrax's Singer Issues Paved the Way for the Damned Things


But, some are still going to argue....blah, blah, blah. Myself, I thought "Toast" was pretty bitchin. Certainly not thrash, or metal, but a good song.

As I said 1000+ times before, I judge the music on its quality, not the genre.....if it's a good song, it's a good song. Man, I get sick of those guys who have to judge everything by one "standard". MaidenFan should know. IM hardly puts together a song under 6 minutes anymore, and could care less. To compare them from their salad days (82-90) to now, you would hardly know they were the same band. Do I still like 'em? Sure. But they have changed from a metal band to a progressive metal band. If you like it, groovy, if not, "WHO CARES?"

Have a Blatz, boys, and clean the spunk from your ears.....

I would hardly call Toast To Extra's quality. I would also say the same about The Angel and The Gambler from Maiden.

I love Maiden but also know they have done some really awful shit. But even through it all they still never went a completely commercial route and never tried to be grunge/ alternative or fit any trends. So even though I think Maiden put out some shitty albums in the 90's they still never tried to be something they weren't. So I have respect for them in that way.

I lose respect for bands like Anthrax who are Thrash metal one minute and then next minute doing photo shoots trying to look like the next Pearl Jam. That shit really bothers me and makes me lose respect. But that is just me, my lone opinion.

I just love to see bands like Slayer and Maiden who never sold out, never got radio play never on mtv and still are able to fill large venues every single time and sell enough albums to support themselves.
Not sure what your point is here. If you are trying to say those albums are so much different then I guess that is a good thing as people like to say Slayer just puts the same album out over and over again. Which I completely disagree with. Those albums are all different but are all thrash/speed metal and great classic albums.

Most of everyone will disagree, but I do not like those albums. I prefer the era of Show No Mercy-Reign In Blood.
Like someone else said it's debatable whether Slayer has sold out or not, they were definately at least somewhat influenced by Korn on a couple of their later albums.
I wouldnt say Slayer sold out. But its still in a way not true when people say they never changed their sound. 'South Of Heaven' does not sound like 'Show No Mercy' and 'Diabulous In Musica' is no 'Reign In Blood'.

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I would hardly call Toast To Extra's quality.

Well I would. It's not metal. But it is good.

I would also say the same about The Angel and The Gambler from Maiden.

As would I.

I love Maiden but also know they have done some really awful shit.

Agreed. Any band that has stood the test of time, will do some stuff you don't like.

ironmaidenfan09'9664979 said:
But even through it all they still never went a completely commercial route and never tried to be grunge/ alternative or fit any trends. So even though I think Maiden put out some shitty albums in the 90's they still never tried to be something they weren't. So I have respect for them in that way.

Agreed. But Anthrax never sold out and changed to some pop outfit, or said one thing "We'll never do a video" (Metallica) and change their mind. Besides, Anthrax was chasing trends long before Bush came on.
I wouldnt say Slayer sold out. But its still in a way not true when people say they never changed their sound. 'South Of Heaven' does not sound like 'Show No Mercy' and 'Diabulous In Musica' is no Reign In Blood.

I think you are right. They did change their sound. And that is what some people won't agree with. The people who like to criticize Slayer will say they have never changed at all just do the same album over and over again. There is definitely a different vibe on all of their albums. But overall besides the Diabolous album they are full blown thrash/speed metal. They have always been leaders not followers and never have given a fuck about fitting in with current trends. For that I give them much respect and think they are the only band out of the big 4 that deserves to be on that tour
Agreed. But Anthrax never sold out and changed to some pop outfit, or said one thing "We'll never do a video" (Metallica) and change their mind. Besides, Anthrax was chasing trends long before Bush came on.

Well I will disagree to an extent with this one. When you completely do an image overhaul like Anthrax did and go from 80's thrash metal to trying to look like Pearl Jam you are basically saying 'fuck we gotta try something different to fit in and keep on going'. At the time "Only" was a pop song. That type of music was 'pop' music. So they did in essense release a 'pop' song and it actually did fairly well for them. You never saw slayer put on flannels and try to look like they were Pearl Jam clones. Anthrax never really completely sold out to the extent some bands have. But they certainly changed to try and fit in with the current trends while other bands like Maiden and Slayer never did and today are just as big as they ever have been. Bands like Anthrax still are lost trying to reinvent themselves again. I can promise you if Anthrax continued putting out quality thrash albums instead of changing their singer and overall sound they would at minimum still be relevant today. But now they are just another nostalgia act that people go to see them play their old songs no matter who is singing them.

Maiden just put out an album that was number 1 in a bunch of Countries and number 4 in the USA. They did all of that with no radio play, no mainstream publicity, no mtv, and without changing their sound to be like anything current. That to me is fuckin amazing.
> Maiden just put out an album that was number 1 in a bunch of Countries and number 4 in the USA. They did all of that with no radio play, no mainstream publicity, no mtv, and without changing their sound to be like anything current. That to me is fuckin amazing.

True that but keep in mind Maiden have had that massive hardcore following for almost 3 decades now.
A testament to them though - the fact that they still sell out arena's worldwide shows just why they are the greatest metal band on the planet in my book and I am seeing them live in 2 weeks!
> Maiden just put out an album that was number 1 in a bunch of Countries and number 4 in the USA. They did all of that with no radio play, no mainstream publicity, no mtv, and without changing their sound to be like anything current. That to me is fuckin amazing.

True that but keep in mind Maiden have had that massive hardcore following for almost 3 decades now.
A testament to them though - the fact that they still sell out arena's worldwide shows just why they are the greatest metal band on the planet in my book and I am seeing them live in 2 weeks!

I am definitely Jealous. They don't appear to be doing a usa tour for The Final Frontier album. I have grown to really enjoy The Final Frontier and wish I could see those songs live as I bet they are even better live. I was just cranking it tonight. I got all fired up listening to The Tailisman. When it kicks in at 2:21 I just picture Steve Harris pointing his bass at the crowd and going nuts! Enjoy!

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When you completely do an image overhaul like Anthrax did and go from 80's thrash metal to trying to look like Pearl Jam you are basically saying 'fuck we gotta try something different to fit in and keep on going'.

You seem to be be unaware of the fact Anthrax used to wear bermuda shorts and "NOT" hats and shit like that. When I got into thrash metal, I looked at guys like Max Cavalera with the tight black jeans, long greasy hair, band shirts and black leather as how thrash fans looked. Anthrax looked nothing like that.
So I don't understand how you keep saying they changed their image from thrash to grunge.