Scott Ian: Anthrax's Singer Issues Paved the Way for the Damned Things

Have you ever heard of the reason why this song was recorded?
'Pieces' is the best song on Vol. 8 imo, i know it's a song sung by Frank about his brother who got murdered. it's a great rock-ballad but it's not a song i want to hear when i put in an Anthrax-cd. the best song on the album is the hidden-track, that says something about Vol. 8.:lol:
You know, I never considered it as a real "Anthrax song". It's just something Frankie and Charlie played for their deceased relative. BTW what's your opinion on Startin' Up A Posse, N.F.B. and songs like that?
BTW what's your opinion on Startin' Up A Posse, N.F.B. and songs like that?
i like them all but those are only b-sides and no regular album-tracks, they were recorded just for fun. 'Startin' Up A Posse' is comparable to 'Toast' with the difference that 'Posse' has fast HC-parts with typical oldschool Anthrax-drumming and riffing and a S.O.D.-vibe while 'Toast' is just a generic Country-song imo, the 'Bonanza-theme' in Thrash-style is priceless.:lol:
I thought Toast was recorded only for fun too. Anthrax has always been a funny band and now you seem to mind the fact.
I thought Toast was recorded only for fun too. Anthrax has always been a funny band and now you seem to mind the fact.
'Toast' is sad imo, it shows the decline and disorientation of Anthrax better than any other song. it's not funny to put out a collection of b-sides recorded in legless condition as a regular album and expect the loyal fanbase to be happy with it. the only problem with Vol. 8 was that the a-sides were missing.:lol: which means that they didn't put out any a-sides between 1995 and 2003, sad but true.
Isn't that because they sold out and went after the trendy serious thrash metal look?

These guys have always changed looks I suppose. When it all comes down to it I could really care less if they looked like Pearl Jam as long as the music was still good. For me that ended after POT. For others it never did. Even I am tired of that debate.
Well I will disagree to an extent with this one. When you completely do an image overhaul like Anthrax did and go from 80's thrash metal to trying to look like Pearl Jam you are basically saying 'fuck we gotta try something different to fit in and keep on going'. At the time "Only" was a pop song. That type of music was 'pop' music. So they did in essense release a 'pop' song and it actually did fairly well for them. You never saw slayer put on flannels and try to look like they were Pearl Jam clones. Anthrax never really completely sold out to the extent some bands have.

First of all, who gives a shit about the clothes they wear. I bet you don't wear the same shit you did in the '80s. Shit's not the 1970s anymore, put your bellbottoms away! And you mention that they went from '80s thrash metal (a musical movement) to trying to LOOK like Pearl Jam (you went from a musicial topic to a topic about clothes - who gives a fuck!? - and plus, they surely never DRESSED like '80s thrash metal - they were wearing fucking shorts and hawaiian shirts and ninja turtle guitars).
they surely never DRESSED like '80s thrash metal - they were wearing fucking shorts and hawaiian shirts and ninja turtle guitars).

Yeah, cause they were totally wearing all of that on the cover of the Armed & Dangerous EP. :rolleyes:

Dont forget the Neil Turbin era had none of that. The comedy in Anthrax didnt start until after Spreading The Disease.
Who gives a flying fuck who sold out, and who wore what? When I sit listening to music I don't actually SEE Joey Belladonna wearing bermuda shorts, or Lars Ulrich counting his money, and I don't really give a flying fuck if Metallica DID write Mama Said because they're all homosexuals or Anthrax wrote Toast to the Extras because they couldn't keep the metal faith.
All I care about is if the songs are good!
Toast is a decent song, Mama Said was actually one of the better written songs on the Load/Reload albums and I quite enjoy it thanks very fucking much!