Q&A thread

A: what the hell were you thinking. checking out the check out girl i bet.

B: who would win this fight wolverine vs. judge judy ?
karrokid said:
A: what the hell were you thinking. checking out the check out girl i bet.

B: who would win this fight wolverine vs. judge judy ?

A: I check out all the girls\ladies :grin: I'm a slutt

Q: NFF - Only sick of entertainment because the wife watches that shit :yuk:
I've been with the same woman for 13 years now! I swing at any pitch, but a home run, Dam, I haven’t hit one out of the park in ages, or maybe 2 weeks!

Ever been "Shot Down In Flames?" (Explanation required)
A. I played hookey but usually I work and he goes to school. No one goes to Disneyland.

Q. Would you trade places with your significant other for 24 hours?