Q&A thread

A: It'll take Sidney a few years to mature, and Mario is getting on in years, so no, I don't think so. Philly looks like one of the strongest bets this year

Q: Who'll be the biggest Canadian threat this season in the NHL? (Pretty sure I already know Walking dead's answer :lol: )
A: I didn't care really. I'd come to expect that we could train talent but never afford to keep it, and I lost interest in the NHL as a whole for a while. The new agreement should make professional hockey more interesting again, especially with the new rules

Q: What's the best new rule for the NHL this season?
johnnieCzech said:
A: You Shook Me All Night Long.
Q: Who would sing that tune better, Joey or John?

A: Neither....Chris Barnes(six feet under) does a hee-larious version of it:tickled: .

Q: Have you heard the Six Feet under album, Graveyard Classics? It has John Bush doing the Scorpions song, Blackout. It is so awful, that it is great. Cookie monster vocals alongside Bush's vocals just don't mix
MyHatred said:
A: Neither....Chris Barnes(six feet under) does a hee-larious version of it:tickled: .

Q: Have you heard the Six Feet under album, Graveyard Classics? It has John Bush doing the Scorpions song, Blackout. It is so awful, that it is great. Cookie monster vocals alongside Bush's vocals just don't mix

A: Yeah, heard it!
Q: Do you think Barnes means his lyrics seriously? :)
johnnieCzech said:
A: Yeah, heard it!
Q: Do you think Barnes means his lyrics seriously? :)

A: Sheeesh, I hope not. He writes some of the most ridiculous lyrics ever.
With a song called "I Cum Blood" I don't think anyone could take themselves serious :lol: :yow:

Q: Is there a band that has done a cover song that you thought was better than the original?
Arg_Hamster said:
A: Faith No More´s "War Pigs"-cover.

And my two cents on Chris Barnes, I think he has a lot of laughs as he pens his lyrics.

Q: Should Ozzy divorce the Witch-Queen?
I agree on the Chris Barnes thing. While I only listen to his GYC's cd for a grin, I always enjoy reading his interviews as he seems to be pretty smart and level headed about things. Now back on topic.....

A: Don't stop there....He needs to divorce himself from the whole family. There is nothing that pisses me off more than Jack & Kelly. Fuckin fat spoiled brats need a dose of reality!!!

Q: Do you think Ozzfest is going to go downhill because of the Maiden debacle?