Queensryche roll call

DGIRL said:
I've seen Queensryche (By far one of my fav all time bands) a dozen times probally. The last I saw them was from October 2004-March 2005 were I attended Operation Mindcrime in its entirity in 3 different cities. Each show was a bit different in certain ways. What I do know is that Geoff Tate and Queensryche still know how to put on a show. Yes, he is getting older. Yes his voice isn't what it used to be. But somehow he continues to kick ass on stage. Even though he didn't hold it for long he still hit that damn high note in the beginning of "Take Hold"! People get so down on the band since Degarmo left saying that it just isn't the same. Well of course it's not the same! Bands don't stay exactly the same when a core member leaves. They always change in some way. Some for better some for worse. Mike Stone is doing a great job I think. Good player and good performer. The rest of the guys havn't changed much. I'm not a huge fan of OMC II at all. I had high expectations for it. I think every true QR fan did. It isn't what I expected, but I feel to see OMC in its entirity again would be well worth it. Truth be told, 2006 Queensryche isn't 80's QR but if you have never seen OMC in its entirity on stage, this is definatly a MUST SEE show! QR should be one of the bands that everyone should see at least once!
...Just my two cents :)

I hope everyone going tonight has a great time... I agree with DGirl... you *HAVE* to see the mighty Rÿche at least once before you die.

I'll preface my other comments by saying I'm a huge/longtime QR fan. But... When I saw that Mike Stone and (producer) Jason Slater, along with Tate had the majority of songwriting credits for O:M II, I was nervous. Why didn't Wilton contribute more to the writing of the follow-up to this highly-anticipated record? He had six writing credits/partial credits on the first one. There are a couple decent tracks on O:M II, but overall it is not worthy to be called the sequel to the original, IMHO.

Still, I'm going to the show when it comes to Dallas with an open mind and I just hope the O:M II songs will sound better live... :erk:
Maybe I caught Geoff on an off night......I've seen QR on every tour since RFO.....I realize that he's not 25 anymore, but I just felt he didn't "hold up" his end of the show. Ed, Scott, Wilton, and even Gray and Stone sounded solid - Geoff's voice just didn't blow me away like it used to. That's not a knock on his performance at all, cause he's still a great showman.....I must have my expectations set way too high.....
edgeofthorns said:
Actually, I thought Tate sounded really good last year when I saw them.

yeah i think so too...just came back from the Atlanta show...his voice was good and all, but last time i thought was way better.
Did they play Mindcrime first, or Mindcrime II?

I almost went downtown for this show, but due to some surprises at work earlier today, I had to stay there a bit later than I'd planned. :(
They played Mindcrime and then Mindcrime II. I didn't really enjoy the Mindcrime II part of the set very much. I don't like the music a lot and I had no clue what the actors were doing on stage.
dcowboys311 said:
They played Mindcrime and then Mindcrime II. I didn't really enjoy the Mindcrime II part of the set very much. I don't like the music a lot and I had no clue what the actors were doing on stage.

Wow, kinda gutsy, IMHO. I had mental images of Mindcrime finishing and half the crowd leaving before they launched into Mindcrime II.

(I'm assuming this was NOT the case.)
I'd LOVE to see a full production of this show.. not some little half version of it in DC or Baltimore... Oh yeah and the money needed to do this, don't have it...

I try to avoid any and all QR talk because it just utterly depresses me when I think that I'm not going to see this show...

But I did get to see Livecrime back in the day so...
edgeofthorns said:
Actually, I thought Tate sounded really good last year when I saw them.

Tate has not been decent since the Empire tour, maybe i been out of
luck at their shows, but he smoked back in 83...memories.

dcowboys311 said:
They played Mindcrime and then Mindcrime II. I didn't really enjoy the Mindcrime II part of the set very much. I don't like the music a lot and I had no clue what the actors were doing on stage.

That essentially sums up my opinion of the show as well. I thought Geoff sounded really good, but I did notice some popping on occasion, most noticeably on P's, so I think the sound was a little off there.

After seeing Klingon Gray, I certainly appreciate Mike Stone. he can hold his own, despite the goofy mask and hoodie. :)

However, I'd also like to point out that when you're talking to someone you don't know, and they walk away, do NOT go find them... and especially not 3 or 4 times!!! :rolleyes:
dcowboys311 said:
They played Mindcrime and then Mindcrime II. I didn't really enjoy the Mindcrime II part of the set very much. I don't like the music a lot and I had no clue what the actors were doing on stage.

I thought the sound was unbalanced, especially during Mindcrime I - too much bass and the guitars were buried in the mix. Tate sounded O.K. but he was straining on some things, I thought he was better last year when they opened for Priest. Still, a good show, the performances and theatrics were cool and there were some nice surprises at the end; I've never been a big fan of the Tabernacle though, just not a good venue for that type thing IMO, really makes me look forward to PP at Centerstage, so much better!!!

I was there last night and had a really good time. At the beginning of the set (Revolution Calling) I could hear Tate straining his voice. There were a few parts that were a little off key too. BUT he got much much better as the show went on. I guess his voice needed time to warm up. Too bad the warm up was during some of the best material!

I thought including Pamela Moore was a great idea, she sounded really really good and sounded much like she did on the CD. However, the contrast made Geoff's straining even more evident. To me anyway.

And I appreciated OM II way more by the end of the whole show.

I didn't like the changes to My Empty Room (song right before Eyes of a Stranger), and they didn't play Empire, but hell I had a good time overall. When I saw them play this set when I was 17 in 1991, I never thought I'd get to see it again 15 years later in my 30s!
I've seen QR about 7-8 times now, and for me it's always a watershed moment. I thought that GT was a little rough for the first couple of songs, but once he warmed up he threw down. I did notice that he had technical problems for about 2-3 songs, and throughout the show you could hear his mic distort a few times. But overall a completely killer show, as always.

I thought that II came across much better live than on CD, so I went back to the CD with that in mind. It really seemed like they wrote the record with the performance in mind as opposed to the other way around like OMI. I was very impressed with it.

I'm going to see them again Sunday in Myrtle Beach. Anyone else going to be at that show?

Halcyon Way