Queensryche vs. Queensryche

I've liked bits and pieces of each of these songs (The choruses of the first two songs stuck with me) and Todd sounds great. "Fallout" has a good solo. Overall, the songs are just really lacking, I liked Queensryche for their dark, dramatic intensity that they have on Mindcrime more than anything else and these songs just seem so middling and pedestrian.
Disclaimer: I've not read this entire thread. I'm a QR Fanboy through and through. EP, Warning, Rage For Order (which still defines the genre and holds up to most today), Mindcrime, Empire, and to some degree Promised Land...all brilliant. Crickets and farts for nearly 20 years now. Tate has become a complete and total joke as is his short lived hired guns. Todd is a class act. This album exceeds all expectations and they were very high. It sounds like I would expect the band to sound had they continued their journey after Promised Land and progressed to this time. The production is exceptional. I love that Todd is not being a Geoff Tate clone on the album yet still nails the classic first 4 discs with relative ease. High quality tracks are starting to surface (see Soundcloud) and they are outstanding.

MY .02 ;-).

To make matters worse, Mr. Taint just blew off an interviewer when confronted about all of the recent matters, especially the phone incident. Next thing you know, he'll be spotted hanging out with Amanda Bynes discussing their future plastic surgery plans!

Stay metal. Never rust.

Geoff Tate is such an asshole, I swear. I hope Wilton and Company destroy him in the courtroom, and then go to the Washington State AGs office and demand a full inquiry into Tate's running of the QR business end. It is going to be very hard to blow off an interview with a few investigators.
I have enjoyed all of the tracks so far. I would not say I was blown away by any of them, nor do I expect this to be a top 10 album for me. However, I feel it will be an enjoyable album that I should probably buy to support the band. I feel like buying it is voting with my dollar about which side seems to more fan friendly and supportive of the metal community.
I too have liked the 3 preview tracks released so far, I haven't been knocked off my feet by them but they're solid. I will buy the album when it's released and support the band, and after watching Tate with his "cell phone" antics and associated BS, I would buy the CD even if it wasn't good just to spite that prick Tate!
Wow, artistXposure! Though I really like the three songs I've heard thus far, and though I think that a lot of folks are being overly critical of this material, I certainly wouldn't say that this stuff is better than damn near everything that has graced the ProgPower stage. Do albums like "The Odyssey," "Remedy Lane," "The Black Halo," "Temple of Shadows," or "Hellfire Club" ring a bell? Those are just off the top of my head. I could go on and on about all of the excellent albums released by bands that have played this festival. This new Queensryche album is a very welcome step back in the right direction, but based on hearing almost one-third of the album thus far, I wouldn't say it's the most groundbreaking melodic metal release of 2013. I'm still looking forward to picking up a copy when it comes out in hopes that they continue with this momentum, though.

Stay metal. Never rust.

*EDIT* I didn't notice that link prior to making my initial post. You were referring to a live performance. My apologies.
Better than anything to EVER hit a PPUSA stage aside from any and all Savatage variants...and Accept..IMO... :-)



Maybe back in 1991 they would have but I have to disagree. There have been so many very talented bands that you cannot compare them really but if you were to, I think that there are bands that have played PPUSA that actually would just simply mop the floor with the Ryche with their musicianship, professionalism, power and stage performance ect ect that there would be no contest. I am glad that Queensryche is back and cant wait to see them live again (seen them 25 times live) but I also cannot wait for my 10th visit to PPUSA too.


Gotta agree with Bear .. many of the prog power acts are far superior in basically all facets to the post 2000's queensryche. I do like the new disc from Latorre Ryche, but those video clips shown above still show Queensryche as a boring live act.
